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Short County Week Ahead Too

Makes for easy blogging . . . budget and RTA . . .

Parisi Up on TV too? (Ooops, link fixed)

Stumbled across this, only 4 views, so it's very new.

More Budget Process Info

The dates and places are set, the meetings run 7 - 9 with doors opening at 6:30. Here's more detail on the topic areas and committees that are involved.

Konkel Ethics Letter Success!

A few Edgewater incidents and the Mayor's bike trip in Europe have inspired the City Ethics Board to start making changes to their ethics law. Many of you know I sent an open letter to the Ethics Board about the state of ethics in the City of Madison. And, I got some results!

M&I Shoves Protesters, Evicts Homeless Woman

Despite what some people might think, I had nothing to do with this action, or organizing this, or writing the press release. I've been too busy with work and WYOU to have time to participate or even support the group. I'm simply an ally that supports the efforts of mainly homeless and formerly homeless people to do what they need to do. Cuz what we are doing, is not working.

Madison Metro’s Stroller Policy

Just a reminder of the policy and the consequences. This is on the Transit and Parking commission agenda for Wednesday. And its not just about strollers . . . even tho that is the name of the policy.

Alders Comments on Redistricting

Several alders sent out notices about redistricting meetings coming up and a few of the east side alders added some of their own comments...

City’s New Finance Director

The best of the two, and the only one left standing since the other top candidate pulled out

Neighborhood Meeting on Hovde Proposal/Downtown Firestation

Neighborhood meeting . . . Thursday. Busy week.

Plan Commission Discusses Development Process “Improvements”

The EDC report was the subject of plan commission discussion previously and they did a report back to the Economic Development Committee, but Julia Kerr's new comments from Monday night are specifically are worth noting.

Neighborhood Assoc.’s: Allied-Dunn’s Marsh/Dunn’s Marsh NA Seeks Help

Join them on the Square Saturday at 3pm.

Ethics . . .

I'm a bit behind on the promotion of my show on WYOU, but here's the show I shot a few weeks ago on ethics.