Home Media Page 365


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Restrict Conceal Carry = Landlord Discrimination Complaints?

The Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin recently sent out an informational handout for landlords. I was going to pass it along as being useful, but I noted one glaring error.

Learn about Alternatives for Frautchi/Rowland Vision

The 100 block of State St could be sleek and modern and exclusive, or . . . it could honor our history . . . you can learn more about an alternative vision for the block and why it is important and how we can save the landfills and reduce our carbon footprint.

City and County Mo’ Meetings

This is so absurd - both bodies have rules (ordinances and APMs) that say the meeting notices are supposed to be in by Friday at noon . . . but I guess that's more of a suggestion? Sould we all start treating ordinances like suggestions?

City Week Ahead

Highlights this week - Landmarks Commission on Monday (100 State St), Council discussion on the Downtown Plan on Tuesday and Urban Design on Wednesday (100 State St and Gebhardt development on E Washington and changing law)

County Week Ahead

15 meetings this week, only 3 before 4pm? Wow.

Downtown Plan Wrapping Up

The plan commission is having its final meetings for final changes to the Downtown Plan. The business community and all their paid loobyists are all over this thing, coming up with their own proposals and suggestions. I hope the people who live downtown are paying attention too.

Personnel Board Doesn’t Approve Common Council Policy Analyst Position

And, apparently, no one say it coming.

The Beginning of the End of Bus Wraps?

Music to my ears! Sanity returns to City of Madison government!

Occupy Tear Down Incredibly Ironic and Unfair

Volunteers needed . . . along with laundry facilities, tools, etc. to help recycle Occupy.

Landlords Indignant About Helping Voters

This amuses me!

Union Corners Proposals

If you haven't had time to be following this closely in the middle of the summer, here's some helpful summaries. Next meeting on Wednesday.

Additional City Budget Information

This comes from the city Finance Director. Explaining more details of the budget.