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Bitterly Cold Round Up

Brrrrrr . . ..

East Side Cancer Causing Chemicals in the Water?

Do you live in the Carpenter-Ridgeway Neighborhood? The Eken Park Neighborhood? The Emerson East Neighborhood? If Yes, then your kitchen tap water probably has a tiny bit of the 'likely' cancer-causing chemical PERC in it.

You now have 26.5 Hours to Read the County Budget

It's on line! Public Input on the budget is tomorrow. No worries, its just 1,770 pages to read before tomorrow, and another 248 by...

Issues with Parks and Open Space Input

You have until Feb 15th, next Tuesday to fill out the on-line survey, last chance to give public input tomorrow. Some of the concerns I've heard about the input process follow, as well as details on how you an give input.

City Tree and Wind Storm Damage (Updated!)

In case the wind takes a toll on the trees and properties around you . . .

The Low Down on Voting

You've probably been inundated with negative campaign ads and will be glad to get this day over. But, now that it is election day, you might still have questions. Here's some useful links for you!

What Will the New Council Discuss tonight?

Well, we'll see, but this is what got pulled off the consent agenda. Theoretically, the rest will be passed as indicated on the agenda unless members of the public show up or they pull it off the agenda tonight.

Does Anyone Register to Lobby in the City Any More?

Or fill out expense forms? Lobbyists are required to register and fill out expense forms twice a year. Either the clerks office is terribly behind, or wow, there are a TON of violations! I only noticed because I have been getting contacted by nultiple people on multiple issues about lobbying and I was wondering why all the recent interest.

Drug Sniffing Dogs in our Schools?

Could be . . . have an opinion, take the survey! Do you support the use of the Madison Police K9 unit to conduct drug...

Mayor to Bob Dunn: Time is Short.

2011, you can have it all (but good luck! it's getting pretty late). 2012, TIF is reduced. Dear Mr. Dunn I read with...

Organics – City Program to Collect Food Waste, Etc.

Week three of the pilot program.

More Added City Meetings

Wow, just squeaking by, barely 24 hours notice on the one . . .