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County Week Ahead

Last week before two weeks of mostly downtime.

Get Deputized to Register Voters

Special Registration Deputy Training -5 PM Wed. June 11

Defining Insanity

How Much Does it Cost NOT to have a Permanent Comprehensive Day Center? I got the official numbers on Thursday at the Human...

Additional City Meetings

5 more meetings that just couldn't get in on Friday . . . sigh . . . 2 meetings today, 1 tomorrow, 2 Thursday. I've timed a few more posts today because I just had too much to blog. See blogs at 11:00, 1:00 and 3:00.

Monday Morning Round Up.

Hopefully, I'll be back on track with the daily round ups now. DAVID DRYER'S CONTRACT They tried to push this through at the last minute at...

Likely Council Budget Amendments

Oh, hey, did you know the council is meeting tonight?! Yeah, it wasn't in my Week Ahead, because they didn't notice it til 5:10 PM Monday night, just barely 48 hours notice. Meets the requirements of law, but its shameful for a local government that I thought once prided itself on transparency . . .

Monkeys, War, Pot and Press for the County Board

Long meeting, most of it monkey testimony. But the most interesting issue was the one that you couldn't tell what it was on the agenda. How does the County Board get the word out about what it is doing? A relatively short recap of the meeting.

County Week Ahead

Looks like the times are back to normal. Monday December 1st 2:30 PM Area Agency on Aging - Access Committee AAA/ADRC 2865 N. Sherman Ave., Rm 109 -...

Mayor Vetoes Billboard Ordinance!

Today, I love the Mayor again, just wait 5 minutes tho . . .

City Week Ahead – Until It Changes

Well, this is what is available on Saturday, it is sure to change throughout the week. I'll try to keep you updated, but you might want to check here at the end of every day to see what might have been added.

What’s Going on at the County?

Last week, not only did I have a little chat with County Board Chair Scott McDonell . . . I also had a little chat with County Executive Kathleen Falk . . . check it out!

How to Help Tony Robinson Family and YGB Efforts (now with video)

Video from this morning and a list of known events and activities coming up.