Home Media Page 367


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

How to “Fix” the Landmarks Ordinance.

The Edgewater folks are paying attention. Are you?

Our Response to Snow Plowing Debate

I sat through quite a few meetings and took a lot of notes, but this is what it all boils down to. If you don't like their ideas, you can show up tomorrow (Wednesday) at 4:00 in Room LL110 in the Municipal (Post Office) Building (215 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd) to let them know. They send the notice of this meeting out late yesterday.

Additional City Meetings this week.

Three were added yesterday.

Long Overdue Round Up (Part One)

I bet you were wondering if I gave up on the Round Up . . . I haven't, just got distracted. I'll be better, I promise.

Overture Deal Reached

Stay tuned, press conference planned for today . . . This came out about 11:00 last night. I was at the bar reading...

Willy Street, The 1970’s & Art

Learn how the Willy St. Fair started, what role art played in the development of Willy St and much more.

DMI’s Draft Recommendations for Fixing the “Broken” Development Process

This has passed their Economic Development and Executive Committees and the Board is voting on it tomorrow. If you know anyone on the DMI Board you may want to try talking to them.

The Only 11 Meetings City Week Ahead

Yeah, right. Looks like it will be a busy week updating the following, cuz you know there isn't really only 11 meetings this week. This really sucks.

New Traffic Signals on Mifflin Bike Path

This sounds like a good idea to me! Public input needed Tuesday.

Bill White’s Magic Development Memo

Wow, this is just kind of funny now. Bill called me the next morning, then sent me the memo and encouraged me to share it. Here's the bombshell mystery document and my responses to it.

County Board Recap

I didn't do the week ahead, but I did make sure to cover them, on time! Medical marijuana referendum and war costs audit introduced. Lots of announcements including tractor pulls, turning down a road project and discussion of an economic development project (the one with the plastic Disney posters.)

John Norquist to Speak at Capital Neighborhoods Annual Meeting

Capitol Neighborhoods presents speaker John Norquist at Annual Meeting