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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

What Is the City Watching Us With? And Why?

Don't worry, not even the mayor knows? Things have changes since I was on the council and worked on a committee about surveillance cameras (2004?, 2005?). Seems as tho the staff have developed an almost hostile attitude about even telling the alders what they are doing. I was just curious, but stumbled into this.

Council Recap

Live, kinda - i.e. no editing and briefer than usual.

Endorse Statewide Use of Force Policy Change!

Use of Force policies could change . . . if this bill were to pass. Please read and spread to your friends, family and colleagues around the state to support Chris Taylor and her colleagues!

Day Center Debacle Continues . . .

6 years later, in summer of 2017 we may have a day center . . . but will it be incomplete? And underfunded? And understaffed? And set up for failure? It appears to be headed that way - but hopefully the city council and county board will step in! Committees throughout the city and county are saying enough is enough, do this right. Again, catching up from vacation, but the Health and Human Needs meeting is tonight (5:30 room 351) and advocates should plan to attend!

One Year Stronger, City Week Ahead

I got the whole thing this week . . . sorry about last week.

City Week Ahead

12 meetings? I bet there's a whole lot more we find out about on Monday and Tuesday!

Monday Morning Round Up.

Hopefully, I'll be back on track with the daily round ups now. DAVID DRYER'S CONTRACT They tried to push this through at the last minute at...

JDS: Finance Explanation

I waited 4.5 hours just to here this portion of the meeting. They heard from the public for less than 30 minutes and then talked about minute, boring details for hours, before they got to the important part - and spent (relatively speaking) little time on it. While asking questions after the meeting, there was still lots of confusion by alders, media and on-lookers. But, here was the explanation we got and the answers they got.

County Week Ahead

6 of 14 meetings start before 5:00.

Trapping in Dane County Parks: Action Needed Tonight

A letter and call to action for tonight - trapping in county parks?

City Week Ahead (Updated)

10 meetings before 4pm - do you know folks who an attend "public meetings" at 3:30pm, 8:30am, 1:30 pm, 10am, 8am, 12:30pm or 2:30pm? Can our alders attend during those times?