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BREAKING NEWS: Lawsuit Filed Against City on Edgewater

I gotta say, he'd have been a fool not to. Just got off the phone with the person who filed . . .

More Demolitions . . .

They seem to come in groups . . .

Mayor, Economic Development Committee and Development Process

The Mayor visited the Economic Development Committee yesterday to talk about his State of the City Address and his charge to the committee to look at the development review process. He answered questions and they discussed how they would get this done by Labor Day. [With BK comments]

Far East Side Neighborhood Walk

Neighborhood Walk , June 17th at 7 pm - Heistand Park

Mayor’s State of the City Address

For those of you who are not members of the Rotary or invited by one of them . . .

Public Workshops on Monona Terrace Station

The meetings are next week . . .

Who Lobbied Against Raw Milk and Why?

Someone compiled the list, and it wasn't what I suspected. Are all these folks afraid of competition? I understand the couple of health organizations,...

Feelin’ Better Round Up

I still feel a little crappy, but much, much better than Monday, and even better than yesterday, so I call that progress. Here's a quick round up of things that I found over the last few days.

Council Recap

Honoring resolutions, liquor licenses, committee appointments, Biolink TIF requirements removed and the City-County tax collection dispute with a goofy Pham-Remmele/Mayor exchange and [BK comments].

Explaining the Consent Agenda

Ever wonder what that funny motion is that the alders make that has a bunch of numbers in it and you can't follow along? Well, I'll try to explain using tonight as an example.

The City Week Ahead

Sorry, this is a day late, I felt AWFUL yesterday, still not feeling great today . . . sigh . . .

Thuy Pham-Remmele to Sheriff Mahoney

What in the world is this about? And why were others cc'd on this?