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CCB (Salt, ‘cides, tape, bike racks) and City-County Consolidations

This is a new blogging format for me. I'm attempting to do less verbatim, yet capturing the meetings for those interested and more analysis and comment.

Update On State St. Area/Philosopher’s Stones

The staff presentation is only 20 minutes long, another 15 minutes of repeating and public comments - one comment I found intriguing, from the artist

$200,000 for $2.5M of Need in Our Community

75 proposals ($2.5M) came in for the Emerging Opportunities Program that the Council approved $200,000 for. Here is what the staff is recommending. Committee meetings tomorrow night. Yeah, no needs here!

John Nolen Path Closure

Portions of path closed, elevator still accessible.

Double Feature Tonight At the Barrymore

Getting tired of the Wisconsin State Journal giving you a watered down version of the news and basically no coverage of the damage that...

Start Reading!

91 page report is out from the Economic Development Commission on how the development process should be modified. I lost track of the process somewhere along the line, so I'm not sure what changes were all made. There are many, many (over 80!) attachments in legistar with lots and lots of input, but this is the final report. Of course, there will still be public input and there could be more changes, but I'm kind of doubtful much will change. Additionally, check out the input our new Department of Planning and Community and Economic Development gave . . .

City Week Ahead

Here it is . . .

Overture Part II, Live Blog

Sorry, was getting too long. Here's part two.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 meeting Monday, October 30 6:00 p.m. Regular Board of Education Meeting (Open Session) Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703...

State St. Bus Stop Closes Today

At least there was a public process for this, people got to testify and a committee, not a king, made the decision. 1663

Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Needs Your Help!

This is an amazing organization that does amazing work . . . to keep all of us who don't have time informed of the role of money in our state politics. A watchdog with a bite! My only complaint is they don't do enough local work, and that is only because what they do is so incredible! Anyways, they got some bad news and need your help!

High Speed Rail Updates

This is the updated timeline for the High Speed Rail Train Station and a few tidbits from the council presentation on Tuesday.