Home Media Page 37


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Week Ahead

17 meetings, 3 committees starting to work on the budget, and only 5 meetings before 4pm. County Board meeting this week.

City Week Ahead

24 meetings, 13 of them on Wednesday. 8 of them at 4pm or earlier. Operating Budget presentations are this week.

School Board Needs More Transparency

Yeah, I've said it before, will say it again, the school board sucks when it comes to transparency. Half the time I can't figure out what is going on cuz I don't spend half my life following the school board and you shouldn't have to just to know what is going on. They have a meeting on Saturday that wasn't in the school board week ahead this week because they finally sent the notice out late Wednesday (50 hours in advance of the meeting) and there's the agenda tbd for the "department", another agenda, and the real agenda.

How One County Board Supervisor will Vote on the Jail

And why. My county board supervisor was kind enough to spell out all her reasons why voting for the $108M jail makes no sense . . . yes, its really $108M.

City Council Recap (as is . . . )

No editing . . . please be forgiving! :)

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Edgwwater, Exact Sciences TIF, Public Art, Placemaking and more . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

One meeting. Monday, October 2 5:00 p.m. Instruction Work Group Meeting Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703 Room 103 - Middle School Start...

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, Parisi's budget will be out today!

City Week Ahead

Council Meeting, Neighborh Roundtable and more!

County Week Ahead

I don't know what happened to my previous post?!?! But here's the info again!

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Hmmm . .. everything looks different today . . . and its freakishly slow for some reason and I can't get the meetings to actually come up so I can see the attachments and details. :(

City Week Ahead

Usually the 4th week of the month is a bit of a snooze, not this week! 27 meetings!