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County Week Ahead

21 meetings, 10 meetings before 5pm on a weekday, so only half the meetings when most people not paid to be there can make...

Decieved – The Big Lie.

As a former member of an elected body, I hate it when you pass something with full expectations that one thing will happen, and then a completely different thing happens. As a member of the public, I hate it when an elected body passes something without really intending to follow through. As a human being, I hate being deceived.

Madison School Week Ahead

2 meetings tonight, press conference tomorrow.

Oh, the Water . . .

I got that Van Morrison song stuck in my head. Here's an update about water and the lakes.

City Week Ahead

30 meetings this week, 13 of them are on Wednesday. Some are at such lovely times as 11am, 10am, 11am, 1:30, 3:30, 8am and 12:30. I'm guessing they don't intend for the public (or alder with day jobs) to actually attend.

Council Discussion on Participatory Budgeting

This discussion was from the CCOC (Common Council Organizational Committee), two days before the Mayor discussion on the budget There's a little discussion about this on thedailypage forum, which I don't really totally understand what they are talking about, I don't know if its about this discussion below, or this post or information from this post. Either way, it started out mis-informed and has just twisted all the facts. (Shocking! I know!) So, here's the discussion that was had about participatory budgeting.

Some Good Tax News For Madison

An extra half a million dollars in nothing to sneeze at . . .

DMI: City Wasting Time Giving Homeless Rights

It's about "behavior" and it won't "bring us the results we are looking for". Ha! I bet.

Support Homeless Issues Committee at County Board Tonight

More wrangling over the lack of a comprehensive day center for this winter . . . how should we spend the $60,000.

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...

City Week Ahead

Lookin' in to that budget . . . attempting to figure out what the scant information means . . .

Last Chance to speak to County Human Services Budget (Part II)

Who knows what amendments might come up tonight or at the county board, you need to be psychic in order to testify on the county budget apparently. They will tell you after you testify, if they let you, what they will be voting on, maybe.