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5 more (City) meetings added this week

The County seems to be able to not have so many changes, what's wrong with the City?

Wednesday Morning Round Up

Back in the swing of things . . . 3 days in a row I'm getting to the round up!

Some Apex Properties In Foreclosure

Well, here's a little more info for the tenants caught in the Apex/Anchor Bank fight . . . at least for 4 of the properties.

Economic Development Commission’s Timeline to “Fix” Development Process

Here's their plan. Note what is missing. The special meetings will be from 5 - 9. June 16* ...

Allied Drive Residents Not Happy with Boys and Girls Club?

I've heard rumblings about the Boys and Girls Club role in the community for quite some time, so I wasn't surprised to see this email sent to many in the community. It's something to think about.

Tuesday Morning Round Up

So, I don't get behind again . . .

Train Station Comments Due TODAY.

Comments are due today. My guess is the decision has been made, but you should try anyways. Here's Alder Rummel's comments, fwiw.

Want A Library?

Partner with a private developer, have only one entrance and stand alone building is preferred.

Monday Morning Round Up.

Hopefully, I'll be back on track with the daily round ups now. DAVID DRYER'S CONTRACT They tried to push this through at the last minute at...

County Week Ahead.

Sorry, I've been kind of delinquent on the county end of things, my social life was in overdrive.

City Week Ahead: Welcome, July.

I've been gone the last few weekends and I'm looking forward to being home . . . and getting caught up on all my work.

Join the People’s Affordable Housing Vision!

I lied, I am posting! Here's a quick re-post on an important issue! Come to the meeting on Tuesday, join the facebook page, sign the petition and get involved in real life! Lets get the affordable housing and related services we need in Dane County for the homeless and lets create a truly diversified city and county that supports our families, our schools depend on it!