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WED: Support County Board Budget Amendments!

7 great amendments! Not much notice but the agenda just came out late yesterday!

Police Haters?!?

Ok, I'll take Chris Rickert's bait . . .

Judge Doyle Square Full Speed Ahead – To where? Why?

What's the plan? Picking a developer but starting all over? Confused? You should be. This is goofy. What are we trying to accomplish?

Excuse my mess . . .

I'm working on updating the look and functionality of the blog . . . and I expect to have several issues, so please be...

How to Apply for Rethke Apartments?

Ya, kinda don't. Conner will explain . . . but if you are interested in this type of housing in the future, there is something you must do to get considered. But then, don't wait, keep looking for housing! The list is loooooooong.

Next Salvo Against the Homeless

I was at the Economic Development Committee yesterday and got a heads up on the next issue to ward off the homeless. You just knew this one was coming . . . remove the State St. benches?

More Money to Militarize Local Law Enforcement

Tonight the County Public Protection and Judiciary will be approving $47,000 from Federal Homeland Security and Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs for what? "Advanced Tactical Integration Training", whatever that is.

Two More State St. Benches Removed

We're up to 12 now. Despite police testimony that removing the benches won't solve the problems, some confusion about if this was about homelessness or drug dealing or homelessness and no data to help them sort it out, the loss of many benches already, the committee voted unanimously to remove benches in front of Monday's (doesn't like the homeless) and Taco Bell (homeless and drugs) based on the testimony from downtown businesses.

County Week Ahead – Last Chance to Speak on the Budget!

On possibly yet unseen amendments!

You Should Go To This Tonight

Ugh, I can't. Board meeting. But you should really go . . ..

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 candidate forums and three meetings - wow, most meetings noticed since I've been doing this? Sadly, I think you have to wait til tomorrow for me to link to anything . . . maybe. I don't really understand this system.

Homeless: Damned if you do . . .

Wow. Occupy Madison found a piece of private property to move to, notified affected staff and elected officials, talked to the neighbors, did everything we were told to do, and now a week before we are to move, the property owner is being threatened with $11,460 in fines if we move there. I've been saying it for a while, but . . . there is NO LEGAL PLACE TO GO!