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dane county week ahead

County Week Ahead 6/6/22

County board meetings this week . . .
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/25/24

Also less meetings this week at the county, but enough to be interested in!
round up

Round Up Mon July 13 – Sun July 19

A whole week's worth of updates again.  Alder updates and many of the usual updates from the City of Madison.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 2/27/23

Not quite finished, not sure if I'll get there today!

Catching Up: Police and Fire Commission on police chief hire

On Tuesday the Police and Fire Commission is meeting and only has one item on the agenda.  It has some information about how they will be gathering input.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 8/7/23

Plenty of county meetings this week, 1 oddly blank agenda.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 12/14/20

Full week of meetings before the holidays hit us . . .
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 3/25/24

Last week of the month has a lighter schedule but still plenty of interesting things going on!
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 3/7/22

Police and Fire Commission interviews and evaluation of candidates, Chief Barnes on body cams, Finance, Plan and other committees.

District 12 Candidates on Affordable Housing

While all the candidates say that affordable housing is a priority, read here to find out what they say they will do about it!

Catching Up: Karma for Greater Madison Convention and Visitors Bureau

Well, that didn't work out so well now did it?  What appeared to be a money grab in 2017 is now a cut in funding.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 7/3/23

Just a few meeting this week, sadly, many do not yet have agendas!