City Week Ahead
Hopefully I'm back . . . regular blogging should resume . . . if all goes well (and I probably just jinxed myself!)
What Will the City Council Talk About Tonight? (Updated x 2)
Only 4 5 items?
City Unfairly Blamed
Recently, news reports made it seem as though the city was responsible for funding decisions about Safe Haven and the new homeless day resource center - the Beacon. I feel like both characterizations were very unfair and untrue. Here's why.
County Week Ahead
9 meetings, 7 of them on Thursday.
City Week Ahead
18 meeting packed in to this short week.
We need a Serious Review of the County RFP Process
You all remember the drama with Tenant Resource Center and United Way staff scoring . . . .looks like the new day resource center has many of the same issues . . . and its not pretty. If you ask me, the city shouldn't give them another penny, this is on the county and their stupid secretive process. Their staff had the information and knew what they were doing, they should pick up the costs.
Schools Week Ahead
2 meetings and one press conference today.
County Week Ahead
7 meetings, two held before 5:00.
City Week Ahead
Only 13 meetings as summer winds down . . .
Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead
4 meetings, all 4 this afternoon and start within an hour and a half of each other . . .
County Week Ahead
11 meetings, only two before 5 pm!!!
City Week Ahead
20 meetings, a few missing agendas . . .