Home Media Page 39


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Tenants and Their Allies Should Watch Where They Shop!

Here's the M&I and Johnsonville version of businesses tenants and their supporters might want to avoid as they are members of the Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin who supported SB107 and are supporting AB155 that is up before the Assembly Housing Committee Wednesday at 10:00 that will strip tenants in Madison of their current protections. (Read more here)

City Week Ahead

Looks very light . . . expect lots of changes.

Just a Few Items at Board of Estimates . . .

This is mostly about police in the schools, but, by the looks of this agenda . . . summer is over, back to work! Just a few of the items the Board of Estimates made recommendations on and heard updates on were as follows: Judge Doyle TID, mayor's task force to study government structure, new Civil Rights Direcotr, undergrounding electric projects, State St. grant program, Madison Public Market, Midtown Police Station, Day Resource Center funding, police in the schools, annexing the Town of Madison and Garver Feed Mill . . .

What will the council talk about tonight?

Landmarks ordinance and dogs in parks

Here we go again. Chief Koval will be “listening”.

He will likely do more talking than listening. "Listening" will likely be limited and controlled. These are dog and pony shows for the upcoming budget. Rallying support for his next PR stunt. Since those of us with concerns are "raging lunatics" or "gloryholing nincompoops" according to our fine MPD, we will likely just be ignored. Praise for the department always welcome, he just can't get enough.

Today’s Must Read

Comes from Dave Zweifel at the Cap Times, with a brilliant way to save money in WI. This kind of vicious...

Mayor Proposes Citizen Task Force on Government Structure

The mayor and I are a lot alike in some regards. Good idea Mayor.

Madison(ish) Schools Week Ahead

They have last weeks meeting announcements up . . . :( And what they do have up wasn't there last week when I blogged, but...

Walker FAIL! 2 – 1

Building a Stronger Wisconsin Poll Finds Voters Overwhelmingly Think Walker has Gone Too Far in Proposals Related to Public Employees

Managing Scarce Homeless and Housing Services

Here's a little frustration of mine with homeless and housing services. Here today, gone tomorrow (or next week). Too much need!

Community. Policing. Gone. Wrong.

Who thought it was good to send Matt Kenny to a community center for "Community Fun Fest"?

Changes to TRC Services Starting January 1

So, there are many changes afoot at the Tenant Resource Center. Sadly, our once seamless services are about to get messy due to our many small contracts. In summary, here is what changes January 1st.