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PD’s Pick of the Week

Re-posted from Progressive Dane's website: Each week, after consulting some of our elected officials, we will post one action you can take - typically going to a meeting and supporting their work - that will also support the goals in our platforms. Many people are talking about how with president-elect Trump, we need to double down on our actions locally. And we're here to help figure out what you can do! This week's action is tonight!

Occu-PIE: Pictures and Thank Yous!

You too could have paid $200 to have a pie thrown at me . . . yes, pictures below. 71797_564082720287932_407076713_n

Excuse my mess . . .

I'm working on updating the look and functionality of the blog . . . and I expect to have several issues, so please be...
Round Up

Round Up

Random things happening around town and in local government.

My Neighborhood Is a Nightmare

Politically, that is. My alder, at the last minute and without consultations with anyone, wants to up-zone it tonight at the plan commission . . . which is making me think again what a disaster this situation is. It's definitely an only-in-Madison situation.

Token Creek Disaster Area – UPDATED

This is how the county treats the homeless. #$%#@! And now the van isn't going to pick people up today.

Know Youth Who Would Want to Serve County Government?

12 youth serve on county committees every year. They are full committee members and can participate in all the discussion, but their vote...

Hariah H. Hutkowski Wants Your Money!

And he wants as much of your taxpayer money as he can get his hands on. If you live in Sun Prairie...

Why Teachers Need a Union –

Now that Act10 has been enacted making it next to impossible for teachers to bargain teachers are going to be left vulnerable. ...

12 minute Finance Committee Recap

Item 2 (Anesis Center funding for mental health case management and community programming for Southeast Asision elders and individuals with mental health needs) was referred to the next meeting, more time was spent getting the mayor a pen (he had his tire gauge instead) than anything else.

Police Policy Change: Wait For Backup!

Yeah. Chief Koval finally got it, after several people have died, he's changed the policy telling police to wait for back up unless their is a threat to someone's safety (not property).

Homelessness as a protected class . . .

While the Economic Development Commission waivered between being confused about why this issue was before them and just not understanding in general, it is...