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A Comment, On Comments,

I moderate some of the comments on Forward Lookout, and there are some that do not get through, let's review why . . .

What the Council Will Be Talking About Tonight (Updated)

Here's the items that they want to talk about, the rest of the items will likely be on the "consent agenda" unless someone shows up to speak on an issue or an alder pulls it off for some reason.

Boombox the Wasteland!

The creativity of Madison is always intriguing to me . . . looks like another creative event!

Kyle Szarzynski: Is Dianne Hesselbein really pro-immigrant?

She certainly intends to portray herself as such in her bid to replace Spencer Black, the outgoing representative for District 77 in the State Assembly.

Committees 2 – Bench Ordinance 0

There are 5 committees looking at the Mayor's bench ordinance - so far two have voted. So far, both have UNANIMOUSLY voted against it. 3 committees left to go.

County Week Ahead

About half the meetings start before 5:00 . . .

Day Center Updates

It's in front of two committees tonight meeting at the same time in different parts of town.

I Know, Poverty Sucks

I don't ever really talk about these things, but I really do know how badly poverty sucks, and I was kind of lucky because it was rural poor, not city poor.

Remembering 4 years ago . . . 2/21/11 – 2/27/11

Second week of the uprising 4 years ago.

Foreclosure Victory!

So many people in foreclosure don't know what to do, this story is inspiring, because it is a story of victory!

City Week Ahead

If you work til 5:00, you can make it two meetings this week if you can get there in a half hour during the "rush hour" traffic. You'll miss the public comment on the other 17 meetings.

County Week Ahead

Only 7 meetings, but somehow they managed to schedule 3 of them at the same time, and 2 before 5:00.