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Madison Schools Week Ahead

Monday, August 7 5:00 p.m. Special Board of Education Meeting in Open Session WORKSHOP Doyle Administration Building 545 West Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703...

County Week Ahead

5 meetings at 4:00 or before, 2 after. :(

City Week Ahead

Lots of cancelled meetings - its that time of year.

What Should Our Local Government Look Like – 3rd Way

Alder Rebecca Kemble was tasked with reconciling the mayor's version with Sarah Eskrich's version of what a committee to re-shape local city government would look like and what they would be charged with doing. How'd she do?

Madison Schools Week Ahead

1 press conference at noon today, 1 meeting tonight.

County Week Ahead

4 meetings this week, 3 of them during the day when no one will likely be able to attend.

City Week Ahead

21 meetings so far . . . only 8 of them before 5pm. Several without agendas yet.

Housing Matters! Call Your Federal Reps Today

This is National Low Income Housing Coalition's Week of Action. Federal housing and homeless budget cuts proposed by the President are devastating, the House made some changes but that are better, but its still devastating. We can't end up with a compromise between the two and our elected officials are dealing with so much right now, we need to make sure housing is on their radar screen too . . . I'll let Joe Lindstrom from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Dane County Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner, Alderperson Maurice Cheeks and Dane County Housing Authority's Rob Dicke explain how bad it is now, and how much worse it could get . . .

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Wednesday, July 26 5:00 p.m. Education Resource Officer (ERO) Ad Hoc Committee Doyle Administration Bldg. 545 W. Dayton Street Madison, WI 53703 Room 103 - Follow-up...

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, none on Monday. 5 start before 5pm. 1 cancelled.

City Week Ahead

Lots of cancellations . . . that time of year . . . 22 meetings. 11 scheduled before 5pm.

HUD Budget Hearing on Sunday!

Come find out how it impacts us locally and what you can do! Congressman Mark Pocan's staff will be there to listen to our concerns. Sunday, July 23 2:00pm to 4:00pm Madison Labor Temple 1602 S. Park Street