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New Obstacle to Allowing Homeless to Legally Camp

The city and county are just bound and determined to keep it illegal for homeless to camp anywhere in Dane County. Here's the latest obstacle the County Parks Departments sprung on us yesterday within two hours of being in the campground - their new magical rules they made up.

Forward Lookout needs a new logo

It's time to freshen up the look around here. Can you help us with put together a new logo?

Another Example of Elected Officials Shut Down by Lawsuits/City Attorney?

This time, Kipp. There hasn't been a neighborhood meeting since 2012 and people want to know why . . . I'm guessing I know the answer . . . cuz Marsha Rummel, queen of the neighborhood meeting, certainly isn't afraid of her constituents!!! And, on the topic covered here beyond public meetings, is this how we handle environmental health issues in this city, county and state? Hand the communications details with the neighbors over to the corporate polluters? And then if they don't inform people, people don't know, and they don't ask questions. We like to believe we live in a city that encourages public participation, but Maria asks a good question "What is democracy in Madison coming to when public health agencies hand over this important risk communication task to the corporate polluter?"

Blaska Fact Check: Section 8 Causes Crime

Ok, so, I don't read Blaska's blog, it gives me a headache. It's hard to follow, it doesn't make sense and facts seem irrelevant. So, I just ignore it . . . however . . .

Parisi Makes Soglin Look Like a Kitten When Dealing with the Unhoused.

Last night, Alder Anite Weier and County Board Supervisor Melissa Sargent held an alleged listening session. Before the meeting I heard that they were preparing to make the Occupiers move, and half way through the meeting Chaous walks in with a laminated 4 page letter that was hung on a stake in the ground in the dark telling people to be out by noon today - not even 24 hours notice. After an hour and a half of the meeting, they dropped the bomb and then didn't answer any questions. Short story: we won't be moving. And we have no idea what they are going to do.

Parisi Budget Propaganda

Here's the propaganda. Trying to figure out what it all means it near indecipherable, the county budget lacks detail that is needed, so we'll see how it plays out over the next few weeks in committees as Supervisors try to get their questions answered. I have one email from Parisi and his budget memo below, plus a rant!

Water Utility Plans for $6M Deficit

Sigh . . . how the hell did we get here? The Water Utility "became aware" of a cash flow deficit during their audit and their solution is to sell a bunch of property and raise rates to cover the $6 million? This seems a little strange to me. The the water utility director is "surprised"? The council will be getting a briefing tonight.

Council Recap

The council was done in a little over an hour, many sick alders in attendance. Bonds, a liquor license, alcohol moratorium, Jeff Erlanger Award and a moment of silence for democracy.

City Week Ahead – Geez, Who’s in charge of Council Agenda Management?

8 meetings before 4:30 (32%), 16 before 5:30 (64%). So, someone thinks 32 - 64% of the meetings don't need public input? Agree?

“Bizarre” Alder Weirdness Continues

My alder proves in writing why the Isthmus gave her the Cheap Shots 2011: Shame "Most Bizarre Rant Award".

City Week Ahead

Stay warm this week!

Intimidation of political signature-gatherers in Wauwatosa?

While attempting to collect signatures for my friend John Pokrandt's State Assembly campaign on the sidewalk outside of Jefferson Elementary School in Wauwatosa this...