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August Lull City Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings? So far . . . check back with the weekly schedule, as it is certain to not be complete on Monday morning!

Soglin says “Go Fuck Yourself!”

Yeah, when someone tells him to "stop attacking the poor and homeless" his response is "Go fuck yourself." And admits it on video. At least he's honest.

80 Degrees Today? Round Up

First day of fall . . . 80 degrees! Must be too hot for the news . . . so I'll make my own.

Mo Meetings

4 added meetings - surprise, surprise - 3 are Food Policy Committee related. 1 cancellation.

Mo’ Meetings

6 more meetings, one cancellation. One agenda missing, also missing links.

Mayor on Housing Plan

This supplements the handout I reported on yesterday. This is the briefing for the council (only David Ahrens and Anita Weier showed up, Lisa Subeck appeared at the end of the press conference) and the press conference that was held yesterday. (with BK comments)

Vote Andy Jorgensen!

Due to redistricting, which was done unethically and in complete secrecy, and is now costing Wisconsin taxpayers close to $2,000,000 that could have been...

Friday, Monday, Tuesday Morning Round Up

Slackin' on the round up again . . .

Repeating Past Mistakes (Media, this is the real story)

Follow the money! Madison/Dane County has a daytime resource center for individuals experiencing homelessness that we pay nearly half a million dollars for (and have for years) and its not working, partially due to the location - so the county is talking about buying that building and trying to make it successful with new operators - in a still bad location. What's that saying about insanity . . .

Wisconsin State Journal Editorial

In regards to  this editorial, I sent the following letter: I just wanted to let you know that with today's ridiculous editorial, If the...

Wisconsin Tenants About to Get Screwed

There's just no other way to put it . . . see what fresh new hell the Republican landlords have in store . . . 2 hearings and one vote on Wednesday, even tho it just got a bill number and became public late Monday.

What A Difference!

Check out the 7 week update from the Day Center for Unhoused persons . . . and stop by and check it out if you have the chance . . . what a difference staffing attitudes make! Specifically, check out the police call information.