City County Building Lobby & Renaming
Your chance to weigh in on renaming the City-County Building (and part of the jail) after Barack Obama and what your experience is going into the City-County Building and what the lobby should look like will be July 19th at 6:00. More details from Monday night's meeting here - and an idea of what wrong with the lobby besides seating!
What will the Council Talk About Tonight?
Everything on the agenda will be passed in one motion unless someone shows up to speak on an issue or its listed below.
County Week Ahead
15 meetings - some at such lovely times at 8:30am, 9:00am, 12:15pm, 3:00pm and 3:45pm - betcha not one member of the public shows up to any of those meetings unless they are paid to be there.
City Week Ahead
24 meetings, 2 agendas missing.
The Cap Times Asks The Wrong Question
The Cap Times will be sponsoring a panel discussion coming up on June 20th:
Cap Times Talk: Are Wisconsin media biased?
Hosted by The Capital Times...
What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?
Liquor? Development? Chief of Staff for the City Council. Salt. And whatever you show up to speak on.
Mental Health Jail Diversion Tonight!
There is a joint meeting of the of the Public Protection and Judiciary Committee (PPJ) with the Health and Human Needs Committee on Tuesday June 6, at 5:30 in the City-County Building room 354. The focus of this meeting is to discuss jail diversion of individuals with Mental Health issues. A specific recommendation is to develop a short term crisis/restoration/stabilization program, including capacity for short term residence to serve individuals with mental health issues who would otherwise be booked into jail.
City Week Ahead
24 meetings, 3 cancelled.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
2 meetings
County Week Ahead
8 meetings.
City Week Ahead
Only 11 meetings, but quite a few unusual items and items of interest.
Hey! There’s a Common Council Meeting tomorrow at 4:20!!!
Wow. Let the jokes begin. I can't believe they set themselves up like that!!! giggle, giggle, giggle. All joking aside, why would the council have a surprise special meeting for only one issue with 8 alders appearing by phone and the mayor and three alders missing. . . hint: it's got nothing to do with a referendum on legalizing marijuana.