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Nothing Adds Up

Attorney May has taken offense at my comments . . . and felt the need to defend a few things . . . and yet . . . it's still not quite adding up . . .

And the plot thickens . . .

Turns out . . . City Attorney Michael May has a little more explaining to do . . . there are more holes in his justification for having to pay Police Chief Michael Koval's legal fees than I realized when I posted yesterday! Two major pieces of info to add . . . h/t to Greg Gelembiuk!

There’s an Open Seat on the County Board!

Dave deFelice is stepping down, I believe since he waited, the county board will appoint, but it might be a special election. Stay tuned!

Additional Candidate Answer on Housing

Here's Bradley Campbell's answers, so we're up to 6 of the 25 candidates that bothered to answer questions on affordable housing, tenants rights and homelessness.

Board of Estimates (and Public) Duped?

On Chief Koval legal fees . . . two things, first, the City Attorney's argument doesn't support what is actually written in the resolution the Board of Estimates was voting on AND there are attorney fees for a different case included in the bill they approved. The first one you will have to be a little patient with me on. The second one, well, wth?

Let Chief Mike Koval Pay His Own Legal Fees

Should the community pay nearly $22,000 because the City of Madison Police Chief can't control his temper? I think not. And there is plenty of reason to back that opinion up. Board of Estimates (soon to be Finance Committee) will consider this today, let them know what you think!

Only 20% of City Council Candidates Answer Housing Questions

Yeah . . . I think I see the problem here . . . affordable housing, tenants rights, homelessness . . . apparently they're too busy to be bothered answering questions about such things . . . sigh . . . thanks to the 5 out of 25 candidates that answered the questions. Even though there are some gross mis-statements of fact in a few of the answers. Honestly, tho, in all my approximately 20 years doing this with the Affordable Housing Action Alliance, this might be the worst ever in terms of quality of answers and lack of response.

Madison Area Schools Week Ahead

4 more candidate forums and the last school board meeting with this combination of school board members.

County Week Ahead

Only 9 meetings. But it does include Day Resource Center design plans and using Messner's for affordable housing.

City Week Ahead

Only 7 of the weeks 20 meetings are in legistar, meaning, I have no idea where to find the minutes and agendas of previous meetings of these groups and they don't have attachments to see what they are talking about. Also, 12 meetings are held before 5pm. :(

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

3 pages!!! But only two items actually separated, so they will talk about 2 items plus whatever you want to speak to! This is the last council meeting of this session . . . the next council will be completely new! Or, more than likely, practically all the same. Alder Gruber will be out and Arvina Martin or Bradley Campbell will be new. And there are races in District 1 - Barbara McKinney, District 8 - Zach Woods, District 10 - Mo Cheeks, District 14 - Sheri Carter. My guess is, they all stay in office.

Check Out PD’s New Local Government Guide!

Progressive Dane will be unveiling our Local Government Guide tomorrow night at our General Membership Meeting tomorrow night at the Downtown Public Library. Join us for that and more!