Home Media Page 42


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County’s “Buy Local” Ordinance Made More Effective

Wish the city would re-visit theirs and make it stronger!

Capital Budget time already!

Mayor's message on the capital budget. Capital budget = building things, large one time purchases, TIF, big projects . . . borrowing.

Martin Luther King Day/Weekend Events

Mark your calendars for the the 17th and the weekend before . . .

Local Democracy is Dead.

There are 40 seats up for election between the Dane County Board and Madison School Board only 4 of the seats are being challenged. And once again, people who have never run for election are walking into seats. What these two entities have in common, is that they rarely get regular coverage from the Wisconsin State Journal and other other media outlets (who mostly get their news from the Wisconsin State Journal).

Items to be discussed at Common Council tonight

Here's the items the alders separated and want to talk about for one reason or another.

Back to Work Week Ahead

My blogging is about to get really crappy as TRC is about to get really, really busy for the next three months and we have the least amount of staff we have had in probably 10 years.

City County Building Lobby & Renaming

Your chance to weigh in on renaming the City-County Building (and part of the jail) after Barack Obama and what your experience is going into the City-County Building and what the lobby should look like will be July 19th at 6:00. More details from Monday night's meeting here - and an idea of what wrong with the lobby besides seating!

I Hate it When Developers Do This!

And its even more annoying when someone you like does it! Grrr.

Mo’ Meetings!

Well, this is irritating. The finance committee agenda for tonight no longer contains the capital budget, and the Policy Policy Committee has added and agenda - so this is amore thorough Mo' meetings than usual! These are two very important changes . . .

Occupy Madison Voices

Powerful. Listen to what they have to say. You may be surprised. I think the Council was. At least, it got their attention for a change.

Can’t Get An Answer from the County . . . Again

If you send an email and no one responds for 12 days and you have asked specific questions that need to be answered because the event happens in 18 days and may involve arrests, seizure of property and who knows what else, what do you do? WWBD? Something considered "annoying" and "counterproductive", I'm sure. :)

Support Homeless Issues Committee at County Board Tonight

More wrangling over the lack of a comprehensive day center for this winter . . . how should we spend the $60,000.