Home Media Page 42


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Are these YOUR Public Safety Issues

Long story short, I went to the Public Safety Review Board meeting. I went there for one reason, stayed for another. At the end of the agenda was an item about upcoming issues and this is their list.

Library Costs Incurred to Date

We seem to have consultants and experts and lots of activities, and surprisingly low "costs incurred to date". Somehow, I think she...

County Comp Plan Meeting Cancelled tonight

Heidi Wegleitner says . . .
Guess what happens when people are more likely to get information regarding county meetings from your blog than the county website? Government asks you to post the *notice of cancellation* of the Comp Plan Steering Committee meeting (on housing) which was scheduled for tonight. Please and thank you. And, I understand if you can't get to it. It is not your job. (But Todd V. is nice and he asked nicely, fwiw. :)

City Week Ahead

So. many. meetings. I hope to be at several of them this week, but that all depends upon work. No too many daytime meetings or screw ups - relatively speaking . . .

15 Capital Budget Amendments

Its been so quiet, I"m surprised there are this many amendments. Is anyone paying attention? Board of Estimates will be discussing tonight.

Capital Budget Presentations – Monona Terrace

Someone says "uh-oh" . .. lets see!

City Week Ahead

Lots of links that don't work ... so this update is nearly useless. 13 out of 22 I can't get any information on . . . and its not just a problem with the weekly agenda, the links in legistar don't seem to work. :(

Gaps in Our Homeless Services

CDBG will be talking about this on tonight at the city, Homeless Issues Committee will be talking about it on Tuesday. So, here's my list of gaps, what am I missing?

Search Reopened for Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development

Looks like Olinger could be around a little while longer.

Short Packed City Week Ahead

24 meetings packed into three days . . . so far.

Random Round Up

A whole bunch of community and government meetings that you might want to participate in . . .

After Months of Being Kept in the Dark . . .

We still don't have any real details . . . the sad part is, most county board supervisors and the Homeless Issues Committee members have all been equally kept out of the loop. So, this is news to everyone . . . except? Who? Who is making the decisions here? And who are they working with? Where is the public in all this?