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County Week Ahead

26 Meetings . . .12 of start between 5:00 and 6:00 on Wednesday.

City Week Ahead

28 meetings, I think - and several don't have agendas - and some meetings I know are happening but there is no sign of them, I just put them in here anyways!

More Rules Don’t Apply to the Chief

How is it that our chief law enforcement officer, Police Chief Mike Koval doesn't have to follow the rules? First, he gets found guilty, but gets no punishment. (that never happens to you and me) And now, the good ol' boys want to grant him further privileges, and $22,000, for being found guilty? The council should be thanking Sharon Irwin and Shadyara Kilfoy-Flores for doing what they didn't have the guts to do, and they should pay their legal bills - and it would likely be far less than $22,000.

82 ways to get involved in Local (city) Government!

According to the city website, 10% of city committee seats are vacant! Want to get involved in local government? Apply!

Trump Gutting Housing and Homelessness Programs

Washington Post reports are $6 billion in cuts and elimination of CDBG funds entirely, National Low Income Housing Coalition has it as high as $7 billion. Ben Carson says - "don't worry, it won't be that bad".

Not Officially Scheduled Meetings & Round Up

I got some miscellaneous to talk about, meetings, input (about police) needed, random stuff.

Police Chief Mike Koval Found Guilty!

Madison Police Chief Michael Koval has been found, by the Madison Police and Fire Commission, guilty of violating MPD Code of Conduct for verbally harassing Sharon Irwin.
The PFC fully agrees with both the language and the spirit of the Standards of Conduct. The PFC, in its limited range of authority (hiring, promotions, discipline), continually attempts to ensure that all sworn officers, from patrol officers to the chief, fully understand, appreciate, and adhere to those Standards. We hire the Police Chief. In our role of hiring the City of Madison Police Chief, we expected our Police Chief, as the leader of the Department to serve as an example for the entire Department, and always be beyond reproach no matter how frustrated or how harassed he or she may feel. Respondent failed in this instance.
Of course, he was not disciplined.

Mo Meetings

4 added meetings - surprise, surprise - 3 are Food Policy Committee related. 1 cancellation.

$166M Jail plus $242M Alliant Energy Center = Fiscal Disaster

Now, I'm not an expert on the county budget, nor the traditional fiscal conservative, but there is no way in hell this is going to work! The most the county has borrowed in their last 10 budgets is $49M and they are already paying back $29M a year in debt service. This would multiply that by 10 - even if its spread out over multiple years, it seems unlikely we can afford all this in the age of Trump. And if they have the money for all this, what if they put $100,000,000 into affordable housing?

Madison Schools Week Ahead

6 candidate forums in 7 days . . .

County Week Ahead

16 meetings, only 6 before 5pm. That's good for the county, the city had that many on Thursday alone.

City Week Ahead

20 meetings, nearly half of them are on Thursday (6 of them start before 5pm). And . . . missing agendas again this week, I knew it was too good to be true.