Police Haters?!?
Ok, I'll take Chris Rickert's bait . . .
When does the Parks Department Kill Wildlife?
Here's the policy to be discussed today at 4:30. I have to say is shockingly short and lacking details. This will likely be decided by this committee and the Parks Commission and not to go to the full council.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
2 meetings.
County Week Ahead
Tabled at WORT this weekend and spent 7 hours writing a grant . . .so I have all the time in the world to do this at work . . . but its near impossible with all the interruptions, hope I didn't do a lot of stupid things with these posts . . . feel free to let me know.
City Week Ahead
Sorry this is late, our site was down and I couldn't blog! Oh my!
Human Services 2017-2018 Work Plan
Damn . . . this was supposed to post on Thursday . . . still worth keeping your eyes on.
What do you think? They are discussing it tonight!
Common Council Recap (Livish)
Sorry, I've been 2 - 3 jobs at Tenant Resource Center since last August and blogging has become a luxury . . . . I see a light at the end of the tunnel, but I"m half expecting to get hit by a train. I hope to be back to more regular blogging by budget season . . . but we'll see. I have 28 days of vacation to use up!
What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?
Anything you show up to speak on, plus the following. The rest passes in one motion - bing bang boom!
What Laundromat is Willing to Serve Homeless People
Long story short, on May 5th the Bubbles Laundry Project got locked out of 701 E Johnson St. We switched to 306 S. Brearly and today . . . we got locked out of there too. Setting aside the illegal discrimination against people based on homelessness as a protected class, where can we do laundry Friday 9 - 1 where homeless people can easily get to and where we won't get locked out??

Lawful Order = Accountability
Chief Koval has another memo about the Council's report on changes needed in the police department. He seemingly says he'll do everything they want, but he wants them to change the language so it isn't a "lawful order". I sure hope they don't. They're voting tonight, email them if you have thoughts (allalders@cityofmadison.com).
Madison Schools Week Ahead
Behavior Education Plan and Police in the Schools.
County Week Ahead
17 meetings - a few are missing tho . . .