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Crazy Occupy Weekend Recap

I can't believe this all happened in 72 hours . . . this is really insane. I can't believe how out of control things have gotten and how absurd it all is. Here we go . . . you're not going to believe all this!

The Difference Between Elected Officials

Courage to do the right thing. Check out the stark differences . . . COURAGE NOT COURAGE


Given the new perspective I have gotten working on the ground with homeless persons in the last few years, I don't even know where to begin with the list of things I am grateful for - because just the smallest things we all take for granted - like being able to change out of wet socks when I step in a puddle and then warm up - have all taken on new meaning. And with the recent Race to Equity report, I've relearned what a privilege it is to be white in this community. So I can't really make that list, but here is one good example of what I am thankful for, for so many reasons.

JDS: WHAT?! Simultaneous Negotiations for Research Park

So, I don't know how to say this, so I'll just say it. At the same time Exact Sciences is negotiating to come downtown, "they" also have purchased property in Research Park and are negotiating to stay there. Has this all just been a ruse?

State Legislators Go For Parisi

With 4 Democrats running, its interesting to see who breaks in which direction. Here's a bunch of state legislators for Parisi. Local Legislative Leaders...

Opening on the County Board – George Gillis resigning.

Know anyone in this district . . . the purple horizontal line is McKenna, the top boarder is Balsam.

Local NAACP Branch Reforming

I used to be on the board in the late 90's and I'm glad to see something happening locally once again!

Walker Proposes Rollback of Complete Streets

Governor Walker's budget address on February third is getting a lot of press for the $1.3 billion of borrowing for transportation, but there is...

Legal Issues in Independent Investigations in Police Shootings

Memo from Attorney May.

Affordable Housing Money Unused?

So, we have money for affordable housing we can't use? We can figure this out, can't we? So. tired. of. excuses. Make it a priority and figure it out.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings . . .

Where County Housing Decisions Get Made

Ugh, the little bit of money that the county does get for housing is determined by CDBG and HOME regulations where HUD requires plans and public input, but I bet you (unless you are a long time housing advocate) have never heard of it. Well, the "public hearing" was last night. I just noticed it yesterday when I was doing the week ahead and then couldn't find the plan that we were supposed to comment on. Sigh. And based on Supervisor Wegleitner's comments, I'm sure they are glad I didn't find it sooner.