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Support Homeless Issues Committee at County Board Tonight

More wrangling over the lack of a comprehensive day center for this winter . . . how should we spend the $60,000.

(Day Late) County Week Ahead

Rough start to the week . . . sorry this is late!

Mayor’s Bicycling Vision: “A” for effort, “C+” for Execution

Wednesday’s “Moving Bicycling Forward in Madison” Event was packed with supporters of better bicycling infrastructure for Madison.  On the surface, Mayor Soglin hit the right...

Follow Up on the Video Cameras in the City County Building

So, I got a few answers from county staff. I'm not happy with the answers, but grateful for the quick response.

OM House News, Fundraiser Tonight, How You Can Help

Occupy Madison Inc. is working hard to create OM House (housing cooperative) and is working on other projects like OM Works (worker cooperative) to create opportunities for housing and work for those who currently are struggling in this economy. We hope you can join us for our fundraiser tonight!

April 2nd Election Day

Today is election day and its incredibly important that we show up in force today to VOTE! I Highly recommend: 1. Ed Fallone...

Homelessness up 35 – 44%, Services Down

So,numbers came out yesterday on the annual count of the homeless in the Madison/Dane County. The numbers are grossly undercounted since we only count in Madison, and there are serious questions about how the count is done, simply because homeless people usually try NOT to be found, so they are likely missed. The increase since 2011 is really disturbing. The simultaneous decrease in day shelter services, especially in the winter, is nothing short of disturbing. No surprise, really, if you follow my blog.

Iron Chef Tonight!

5 - 7 Brink Lounge

A few Resolutions Sneaking by . . . .

Good one's for a change, both being voted on today! Both hopefully making it easier on our brothers and sisters without homes. One at the county, one at the city. The city one has a process snag, but should be good.

Scott Walker was right….

Governor Scott Walker appears to have been correct when he said: "We're Broke and Can't Negotiate." Unfortunately the members of the legislature did...

TIF Primer for City Staff, New Alders and YOU!

Board of Estimates started out last night with a TIF presentation . . . and it wasn't by the you-just-love-to-hate-him TIF Coordinator Joe Gromacki,...

Madison’s 1%’s Vision for Downtown (Part 1)

So many of the recent meetings about the Downtown Plan are during the day and I haven't been able to make the meetings - so last night I checked in to the Economic Development Committee and got a really bizarre vision for the downtown. You gotta check this out.