Home Media Page 44


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City Attorney has yet another opinion on Koval’s Legal Fees

This time, its 7 pages . . . but still he doesn't look into the Couper case? And, there is a startling conclusion . . . he agrees with himself . . . go figure.

Dems Get Fiesty over Republicans “Doing” Something about Homelessness

The "doing" is more talking than anything, but I'll let the State Reps explain!

Council Committee on Police and COMMUNITY Relations

I'm sure the police had this on their agenda for quite some time, but the public was just notified yesterday of the meeting tomorrow. FAIL! A new report with new recommendations (that I don't think the committee has seen) is out.

Panhandling Ordinance Went Into Effect Yesterday

Check out that map! Too bad they didn't provide that to the council and public BEFORE they passed the ordinance.

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead


County Week Ahead

8 meetings, 1 cancelled, 1 agenda not available, so here's the info I have on the 6 meetings.

City Week Ahead

Well . . . 21 meetings, 1 cancelled, 5 agendas unavailable for various reasons. So, here's the other 15 meetings I can tell you about. Note: Are the police going to talk about drones? (UAS program?) Do they have one? Or want one?

Another Way to Look at Who the Most Popular Alder Is . . .

Yesterday I looked at write-ins. Today, how many people went to the polls, got to that line and then said, I don't feel like voting in this race . . . even though I'm standing right her in the voting booth. How many people opted NOT to vote for their unopposed alder . . .

Who’s the Most Popular Alder?

Based on last nights elections results for uncontested alders . . . these alders are most to least popular in their districts.

What Emails Didn’t the Alders Get?

141 of them total plus 33 web contacts . . . here's the topics that were included . . . check to see if you email didn't get through and think about re-sending (if its not too late)

April = City Budget Season Begins!

Yeah . . . 8 months or so before it passes, but the Capital Budget message is out this week! We won't actually get to see the Capital Budget as proposed by the Mayor until September or October. (Traditionally it has been the first Tuesday in October.)

Vote Today!

If you haven't already!! Here's my choices . . .