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Only 20% of City Council Candidates Answer Housing Questions

Yeah . . . I think I see the problem here . . . affordable housing, tenants rights, homelessness . . . apparently they're too busy to be bothered answering questions about such things . . . sigh . . . thanks to the 5 out of 25 candidates that answered the questions. Even though there are some gross mis-statements of fact in a few of the answers. Honestly, tho, in all my approximately 20 years doing this with the Affordable Housing Action Alliance, this might be the worst ever in terms of quality of answers and lack of response.

Section 8 Lottery Starts Today

That right, step on up, a lottery to get an application to be on the waiting list . . . it doesn't get more absurd than that! But hey, no affordable housing problem here!

More Indignities – Head Lice and the Homeless

Who will help them? As far as I can tell - no one . . . except a couple volunteers from a community group not funded by the city or a staff member from a church.

Repeating Past Mistakes (Media, this is the real story)

Follow the money! Madison/Dane County has a daytime resource center for individuals experiencing homelessness that we pay nearly half a million dollars for (and have for years) and its not working, partially due to the location - so the county is talking about buying that building and trying to make it successful with new operators - in a still bad location. What's that saying about insanity . . .

Bad Blogger Returns

Working 60 - 70 hours a week and trying to have a life have interfered, so I've been a bit negligent. Here's a few things to get caught up . . . Edgewater noise, changes at family shelter, see the vendors who applied to work on police policy and procedure, late meeting notices, OM Village needs volunteers for hte store and then the surprise temporary plan for the day resource center and Schenk's Corner Block Party this Friday and Saturday!

Very Brief Council Recap

So, I missed the first 5 - 10 minutes of the meeting (I got caught stuck at work) and missed 95% or more of the council agenda, including the consent agenda, luckily I could watch it on Madison City Channel and get caught up, but I was very confused last night

State St. Bus Stop Closes Today

At least there was a public process for this, people got to testify and a committee, not a king, made the decision. 1663

City Week Ahead

28 meetings on the clerk's agenda - 4 cancelled. Doesn't include Police Policy committee (and probably more) that still has no agenda. Meetings at such times as 9am, 10am, 11am, 11am, 1:30pm, 12:30 and 2:30. Items of interest this week include choosing who will replace Ald. Sarah Eskrich, 2 new alders being sworn in, passing the comprehensive plan for the city, downtown alcohol policies and wheel tax.

School Board Week Ahead

Also very late . . . too busy campaigning this weekend.

Fair Housing Enforcement Programs Defunded by Feds?!?!

Without people educating people and helping them through the process, no one will file complaints! A landlord's dream. An equity, social and racial justice nightmare. Tenant Resource Center refers to the Fair Housing Center all the time, they are the experts in a complex area of the law. We need them! Please call your representatives.

No Problem With Poverty In Madison?

The Darbo-Worthington Neighborhood begs to differ Mayor Dave! Dear Mayor Dave, Along with several hundred of my eastside neighbors, I attended last week's People's Forum for...

Judge Doyle Square, Round (I’ve Lost Track)

Among other things being voted on tonight, the council will be voting on which developer and project they want to go with on Judge Doyle Square.