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Decoding the changes to the Downtown Plan

Wondering just what's changed in the Downtown plan since November? Thankfully, we have very helpful City Staff who've made it easier to figure it out.

The Voucher Scam!

The truth of school Vouchers is slowly starting to come out and its not pretty. While Scott Walker, Robin Vos, et...

AHAA Endorsement: District 2

This race still upsets me that two good candidates were kicked off the ballot.

Redesigning Blair St & John Nolen at Willy St.

You know that odd intersection . . . how can it be better? What do you think of the plans?

JDS: Do our Ethics Laws Mean Nothing?

I was blown away to find out Mo Cheeks, the Pro Tem (Vice President), of our Common Council works for Kevin Conroy, the President and CEO of Exact Sciences and Ton Still, an influential cheerleader of the project, and he never bothered to disclose it - or recuse himself from the Judge Doyle Square discussions?

Police Chief Mike Koval Central District “Listening” Session

He actually ends by walking out while people are still talking to him. He says it was a listening session. . . but he's not very good a ACTUALLY listening . . . and he's so defensive and condescending, and interrupts anyone he disagrees with. I think he makes things worse by doing these sessions. He needs to learn to shut his mouth. I'm quite horrified by how he acted as a public representative of the City of Madison.

HUD Budget Hearing on Sunday!

Come find out how it impacts us locally and what you can do! Congressman Mark Pocan's staff will be there to listen to our concerns. Sunday, July 23 2:00pm to 4:00pm Madison Labor Temple 1602 S. Park Street

Surface Bubble – By Mary Jo Walters

The Mary P. Burke, 'The Bubbler' is where the Madison Public Library's Central location polling station is located. If true, does that mean that her name will have to be covered up on voting days?

Have Abacus Will Travel

I have written before of the the right wings veiled attempts to privatize public education. I have also pointed out that while they...

City Weekly Joke Ahead

Who knows if this is anywhere near what meetings will actually occur this week.

WTF Mayor Soglin Cracks Down on the Homeless

Any homeless people living outside and all food programs from them are being moved to the City-County Building, says the Mayor. Administrative action, no public input. No public input whatsoever. None.

The JAIL is going to BREAK Us.

Tonight there will be a rally at the rally at the city - county board meeting at 4:30 PM to oppose the massive remodeling of...