Home Media Page 46


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

City Budget Amendments

These are the amendments that the Board of Estimates will be discussing after 18 other items. I was guessing that they will be done with the other items in about 45 minutes, but you never know.

Council recap

44 minutes . . .

The Value Of Cindy Archer

If you have not heard by now, one of Scott Walkers closest allies, Cynthia Archer, was recently promoted to a civil service job where...

The Purpose of Ride the Drive

I have a problem with the way Mayor Soglin seems to be framing the issue of how to improve Ride the Drive.  When the...

County Board – Is the Jail Derailed?

So, I started blogging and it wasn't going well because I missed a few things . . . but turns out, no matter how hard I tried, I would have missed that last hour of the meeting because it was shouted down. The board kept going, voting with a thumbs up or thumbs down with staff yelling to them what they were voting on. Conservative superiors were upset they didn't get to debate and in the end were threatening to look into legal ways to declare the meeting invalid . . . and in effect, derail the jail.

How to get involved with the Konkel for Madison Campaign

I won't be doing much campaigning here, but until people get connected to the campaign and get used to the new contacts and social media I may post a few things here. Here's all the contact information and how to get involved.

City Week Ahead!

Ha! I finished it. Summer and my schedule and my time off at work is making blogging challenging for me, but hey, I finished the week ahead this morning! Of course, its subject to change, as usual.

I’m So Disappointed in Kelda Helen Roys

And it appears, I'm not alone. Fellow legislators call on her to clean up her act! Legislators Call on Rep. Roys to End False...

Crazy Occupy Weekend Recap

I can't believe this all happened in 72 hours . . . this is really insane. I can't believe how out of control things have gotten and how absurd it all is. Here we go . . . you're not going to believe all this!

Will Scott Walker Choose Superhighway Socialism?

Scott Walker will be delivering his third State of the State address tonight at 7pm. Infrastructure is among the five priorities he has been...

End of the Third Week in May, We are Busy Bees, Cross-Pollinating.

This past week was another full one. I was very grateful for the grey and cold days at the earlier part of the week,...

(No Link) City Week Ahead

Wow, very little information on upcoming agenda items. Fist 10 items, no links, I've never seen it this bad - taking a lead from the county?