Home Media Page 47


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City Council Recap (Some portions are VERY brief) – Part I

It's crowded - meeting starts off with President Mike Verveer telling people there is an overflow room for tonight and that there are interpreters here as well.

What will the council talk about/listen to tonight?

I wonder if the public or the alders will do more talking tonight? It's rumored to be a long meeting tonight, we'll see. The council only pulled two items to be discussed.

City: Let MG&E Decide How We Develop In the East Wash Corridor?

I never thought our city government would hand over decision making to a corporation. Should MG&E get to decide if we expand Burr Jones Field or the the bus barn or decide to build a central police station between Blair and the 1st Street? Should they get the right of first refusal on any land banked lands in the area? Apparently the city is getting ready to give them that power, which may even include vetoing other city projects like affordable housing or a homeless shelter. The resolution may even exclude non-profits not pre-approved by MG&E from getting city approvals in the area.

Tonight: Re-affirming Reaffirmation of Madison as a “Sanctuary City”?

The council will be voting for a third (or likely more) time tonight to protect immigrants rights in the City of Madison and essentially call itself a "sanctuary city" or as some call it "sanctuary-city lite". The first was in 2002, then again in 2010 and now in 2017.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings and 1 notice of possible quorum.

County Week Ahead

19 meetings . . . again, want to lead locally, here's where you get involved!

City Week Ahead

Here it is. Another week in city government - for all those of you who want to get involved and lead locally - here's your chance, lots to choose from!

Waukesha County Settles Lawsuit: Segregating Aff. Housing Based on Race

Wonder how Dane County is stacking up? Here's the city's and county's analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, I couldn't find Dane County's. See below for the summaries of impediments and actions to be taken.

People Work, Mayor Holds Press Conference About their Work?

Sometimes, this mayor is just a little too much. The mayor's holding a press conference today during the time the committees doing the work to be talked about in the press conference will be meeting and doing that work.

Grant Foster: City Restructuring of Transportation Committees and Updates.

I've been watching several of these issues, but not keeping up with them, so thanks to Grant Foster for letting use cross-post from Madison Bikes.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings.

City Week Ahead

22 meetings this week, only 8 are in legistar? So in the future, when you search to see who voted what way or find the minutes, you won't be able to. Also, lots of missing agendas this morning.