Home Media Page 47


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It is Time to Tell Scott Walker Not to Cut Wisconsin Off From Progress!

It seems that Jim Doyle has washed his hands of the decision on high speed rail with the recent announcement that he will leave it to Scott Walker to make the call. But the future of Wisconsin is too important to let this happen without making a last stand!

County Budget Instructions – POSITIVE!

THE SKY ISN'T FALLING!!! The first time we have heard that from an Executive - City or County - IN YEARS! 10 or more . . . and yes, that was a COMPLIMENT for Joe Parisi. Thank you!

County Week Ahead

Public Hearing on the budget tomorrow, the rest of the meetings are all on Thursday.

Friday Round Up

First week of the year nearly over . . .

County Week Ahead

5 meetings you can make it to if you work til 5:00, 16 total meetings.

2 Homeless Deaths this Weekend

4 5 since October 1, that we know about. If you know of others, make sure to get the info to MUM before tomorrow so they can be recognized in The Longest Night Homeless Person's Memorial Service on 12/21

Fighting to Put Homeless Services Where the Homeless Can’t Reach Them

Dane County Takes Legal Action to Stop Town of Madison Continued Obstruction of Homeless Day Resource Center

City Week Ahead

Running late this morning, at least I got this one done! :)

Occupy will Move by December 9th if . . .

Another long day yesterday, but probably one of the most significant things that the group decided is that they can move by the second Sunday in December if . . .

Downtown Snow Emergency/Ticket Night! Move your cars!

This is not a drill. Park on the odd side of the street or in the ramps or get tickets!!!

Ready for Snow?

The city thinks it is . . . here's their update from yesterday: SNOW PLOWING UPDATES by Alan Schumacher, Streets Superintendent posted November 22, 2010 1:26 PM ARE...