Home Media Page 48


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Week Ahead

10 meetings, half of them are on Thursday.

Use Messner’s Site for Affordable Housing

Seems like a no-brainer, right? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha . . . it's not, and it's not the neighborhood that is likely to be the problem . . . please tell your alders (allalders@cityofmadison.com) and supervisors (county_board_recipients@co.dane.wi.us ) to help support affordable housing in this location!!!

City Parks: Changes? Keep what you like?

More planning going on, lots of meetings where you can voice your desires, concerns and support the things you love about our parks!

Endorse Statewide Use of Force Policy Change!

Use of Force policies could change . . . if this bill were to pass. Please read and spread to your friends, family and colleagues around the state to support Chris Taylor and her colleagues!

Changes to the City Schedules

Cuz, its never right . . .

Imagine Madison: An Update, What’s Next?

So, the City of Madison is doing its comprehensive planning update that is required every 10 years. This is what drives most development decisions in the city . . . well, this, and TIF and other government hand outs. Where are we at and what's next? And how will you get involved? Unless, of course, you don't care how the city develops (until its next door to you!).

Madison Approving Its New Economic Development Plan

I tuned in to Board of Estimates last night to catch up on this, because I hadn't heard much about this lately. I attended some meetings a year ago or more . . . but you'd think an economic development plan for the city would be getting more attention! Here's what the Board of Estimates discussed. Spoiler alert: I'm not impressed.

City Week Ahead

19 of 33 meetings this week are starting before 5pm - who has time to take off of work to be there? Is this a good way to have a residents participate in their local government?

What will the Council talk about tonight?

Looks like 3 items, plus anything the public shows up to speak to or public hearing items.

Meeting “corrections” for today

Several cancellations and a new meeting (or maybe more by the time the day ends).

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Three meetings, we know they won't be cancelled, right?

County Week Ahead

Again, we'll see what gets cancelled, but here's the current agendas.