Home Media Page 49


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

In the Interest of “Public Safety” . . .

Go ahead, throw out that stuff - ignoring the realities of how the homeless have no place to put their stuff.

Scott McDonell for County Clerk

I wrote a long explanation of why Scott McDonell has my enthusiastic support for County Clerk in a discussion on a list serve. Facebook...

What is Going on With The City Chief Planning Director?!

Hmmm . . . last night the council meeting really only dealt with one (or two) issues. The main issue of the night was a development on Iota Court. What was stunning - was what the Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development had to say about planning in our city! (with bk comments)

Public Market: Joe Mingle

The chart in this email is probably most persuasive to me, but here's another view on the Public Market - to keep it on the east side.

Rhythm & Booms Bad for the Environment

I'm not an environmentalist activist or well versed in the issues - but this one seems kinda obvious. I'm surprised we had to spend so much time (and money) getting studies done.

Moving Daze Are Upon Us

Madison “Moving Day” Essentials

Will CDA Raid the Affordable Housing Trust Fund?

CDBG is considering this issue again tonight, and I'm not the only one concerned about the CDA raiding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. I'll try to catch you up on the issue.

Grant Foster: City Restructuring of Transportation Committees and Updates.

I've been watching several of these issues, but not keeping up with them, so thanks to Grant Foster for letting use cross-post from Madison Bikes.

City Week Ahead

Or so they say, expect many additions. 17 meetings, 2 cancelled, only 2 at 5:30 or after.

City of Madison Economic Development Strategy Goals?

The subcommittee met, had their first meeting, and reviewed the 10 goals.  Curious what you think, does this seem like an economic development strategy...

City Week Ahead

Alcohol issues on several agendas, public hearing on the operating budget at the council meeting, special presentation on "New Americans in Madison and Dane County", action about the flooding and the city asking to have a joint city/county committee on flooding . . . and more!

County Week Ahead

Only one day this week to meetings start after 5pm and that's today, the rest of the meetings are at 7:30, noon, 8:15, 3:45, 9:30, 8am and 12:15 . . . seems like a new low 3 of 10 of the meetings held after 4pm.