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Dane County Week Ahead

County Week Ahead

A couple cancelled meetings and meetings at 9am, 12:15pm and 12:15pm.

Latest Blow to Tenants in Wisconsin!

This is the 5th change to tenant landlord laws in Wisconsin in 4.5 years. We at the Tenant Resource Center are exhausted from trying to keep up . . . the governor passed the bill on 2/29, it was published on 3/1 and went into effect on 3/2. The laws became available electronically on 3/17 (last Thursday) and here's our latest and greatest summary. Landlords now act like police, determining what is criminal behavior, punishing the person or their family . . . but they also still have to prove it in court!

How to Apply for Rethke Apartments?

Ya, kinda don't. Conner will explain . . . but if you are interested in this type of housing in the future, there is something you must do to get considered. But then, don't wait, keep looking for housing! The list is loooooooong.

Here’s the documentation about why I’ve been fired . . . part 1

Since the gloves are off and the board has gone to the press and issued a press release . . . and it's up to the membership or the courts now . . . and the court of public opinion! Here you go . . . all the details I have documented.

Today’s exercise in stupidity . . .

I'll be in court tomorrow, but I wanted to get this in writing in case I'm not allowed to speak.

City Week Ahead

Sorry I'm late this morning - I had 20+ hours of candidate interviews over the weekend! Gotta say . . . I'm kinda impressed . . . looking forward to this new council (and hopefully new mayor). This week doesn't have any showstoppers - but lots and lots of meetings, you'll have to take a look.

How should the Yahara River Parkway between Lakes Mendota and Monona evolve?

On Wednesday, September 25th 2013 the City hosted a “Yahara River Corridor Public Meeting”. It wasn’t a very helpful agenda, so I pulled together some background information for myself. Here’s some of that info, and a bit of the flavor of the meeting.
mo meetings

Cancellations and Mo Meetings!

City Meetings Cancelled today, and a few added for tomorrow and Friday.

Madison – The Sleepiest Woke City Around

Madison, WI is usually ranked as one of the top cities to live in the country.   Why not, right?  Two lakes, the State Capitol,...

Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Report

Say what? It's a fancy HUD title for a report that HUD requires the city to do every 5 years that shows, once again, just how racist and all the other 'ists Dane County is. This one is particularly focused on housing. If you've been following along, there are no surprises here. The big question is, will this report lead to action that actually impacts the people impacted by all the 'isms. The CDBG commission will be considering this tomorrow night. Particularly they will be discussing the priority of the strategies.

Join Tenant Resource Center Tonight! Silent Auction/Master Chef Cook-off

A huge thanks to all our supporters! Please join us tonight at the Brink Lounge (701 E Washington Ave) 5:00 - 7:00. We have a great silent auction lined up and the winners of the spring iron chef battles will be competing in Lemon Battle. Please make sure to thank everyone involved!

Not My Police Department

Chief Koval recently wrote a blog in which he says "The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police." It sounds nice, but it doesn't erase everything else that has happened in the past few years. Crafting with a Cop, serving hot dogs at a community event, and having an article written that says that Samba Baldeh and the Chief have reconciled their differences - doesn't fix things. It ignores real and serious problems. It seems like a PR attempt to sweep things under the rug. It fails to acknowledge real harms and real problem. We have a policing crisis. They might not see it, but its real, and these things will do nothing to solve it. Hang in with me for a moment and let me explain.