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Hey! Where’s the Public Notice on This!?

So, um, if the Mayor and alders are getting together with the business community tonight . . . don't you think you should know?!...

Homeless and Affordable Housing Advocated needed Tomorrow!

So, I send out one of these emails for the Affordable Housing Action Alliance and another person sent out the other from Occupy Madison/Activist...

City Week Ahead

Here's 75% or so of what they will talk about this week. 5 meetings before 5:30, sigh. I won't make most of them.

Funny Thing about the New Fire Chief

Hmmmmm, there will be a press conference at 10:30 to announce who it is! Uh, yeah.

County Budget: Magically Appears on Thursday? (What might be in it?)

So, public testimony is over. The Personnel and Finance Committee is the last committee to see the budget before the County Board rubber stamps it on Monday, November 13th. Of the $1.6M of amendments in the operating budget, what will be in? What will be out? They only have $500,000 to spend (unless there is a miracle). So, when will we know?

Progressive Dane Seeks Additional Reform to City Council Process

The news of council reform at first seemed promising and Progressive Dane applauds efforts to “strengthen the Council’s ability to shape the . . . future investment in our neighborhoods.” “If the council is going to seriously consider reforms that will help the public participate in local government and strengthen input into investment in our neighborhoods that is exciting” said Party Co-Chair Sue Pastor. However, we don’t find the reforms proposed by Alders Mark Clear and David Ahrens are sufficient to reach this goal. Renaming committees, changing the length of term of the council president and switching which individual (mayor or council president) appoints alders to committees don’t seem to go far enough to reach this goal. Progressive Dane would like to see the council also consider passing ordinances requiring the following:

Stand Up or Stand Aside?

New Madison Metro military recruiting ads . . .

More Demolitions

I did a demolition round up, but they keep coming, so here are a few more.

Rookie Mistake, Or Bad Aldering?

Wow. I'm blown away by the following press release that Alder Lisa Subeck, former advocate for the homeless and affordable housing and the poor, turned politician put out earlier today.

County Week Ahead

They have a new system for their meetings, listing more than a week at a time, but I'm not sure how accurate it will be moving forward. So, here's the meetings for this week.

Will Council/County Board Chambers Ever Get Fixed Up?

There has been money in the budget for it . . . So what's the deal?

City Week Ahead

Committees will have new faces this week with the new alders and switches in assignments . . .