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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Tiny Houses Are Coming to Madison!

We might not be able to put them on private property anywhere in the City of Madison, including church or non-profit parking lots, but we can park them in the street! i.e. Camping, Part II. And learn how you can help us make tiny houses a reality!!!

Tenant Resource Center Fundraiser Tomorrow

Hope to see you there! 5pm, Brink Lounge, Silent Action, etc. A huge heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors! Tomorrow I will post the silent auction item descriptions.

Chief Koval’s “Rambling” Sessions (Now with audio!)

Two left! Here's a disturbing clip or two from the West Side (Good Shepherd Church, not Sequoya Library). Northside tonight, Southside tomorrow night.


After waiting for 3.5 year for the Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection to update their regulations, to be consistent with tenant-landlord laws passed by the state legislature - apparently they have . . . and apparently, the went a little further than just making their laws consistent! And apparently (how embarrassing) the laws became effective 11-1-15 and I just figured it out yesterday!

Police Chief Mike Koval Found Guilty!

Madison Police Chief Michael Koval has been found, by the Madison Police and Fire Commission, guilty of violating MPD Code of Conduct for verbally harassing Sharon Irwin.
The PFC fully agrees with both the language and the spirit of the Standards of Conduct. The PFC, in its limited range of authority (hiring, promotions, discipline), continually attempts to ensure that all sworn officers, from patrol officers to the chief, fully understand, appreciate, and adhere to those Standards. We hire the Police Chief. In our role of hiring the City of Madison Police Chief, we expected our Police Chief, as the leader of the Department to serve as an example for the entire Department, and always be beyond reproach no matter how frustrated or how harassed he or she may feel. Respondent failed in this instance.
Of course, he was not disciplined.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Anything you show up to speak on, plus the following. The rest passes in one motion - bing bang boom!

Do you live near James Madison Park?

Do you have opinions on what is going on in our neighborhood? Concerned that a landlord/developer who is/was not even a paid member of the neighborhood association was elected the chairperson for the neighborhood group by 7 people? Will the neighborhood vote to support the Edgewater but make it harder for the homeless and the Occupy Madison people? Probably. Last time they spent a great deal of time complaining about the people who bike on Mifflin St. Unless you show up and express a different opinion, these folks represent our neighborhood.

County Week Ahead

20+ meetings again . . .

Tent City #3, Seattle

This is the last of the villages/encampments we visited out west.

City Council Week Ahead

Only 8 meetings . . . winding down for the holidays

Not in the News Round Up

About a weeks worth had piled up . . . so here it is in a separate post. Pssst. This is the good news portion of the blog usually. :)