City Week Ahead
Here it is. Another week in city government - for all those of you who want to get involved and lead locally - here's your chance, lots to choose from!
People Work, Mayor Holds Press Conference About their Work?
Sometimes, this mayor is just a little too much. The mayor's holding a press conference today during the time the committees doing the work to be talked about in the press conference will be meeting and doing that work.
Grant Foster: City Restructuring of Transportation Committees and Updates.
I've been watching several of these issues, but not keeping up with them, so thanks to Grant Foster for letting use cross-post from Madison Bikes.
Madison Schools Week Ahead
2 meetings.
City Week Ahead
22 meetings this week, only 8 are in legistar? So in the future, when you search to see who voted what way or find the minutes, you won't be able to. Also, lots of missing agendas this morning.
County Week Ahead
10 meetings, half of them are on Thursday.
Use Messner’s Site for Affordable Housing
Seems like a no-brainer, right? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha . . . it's not, and it's not the neighborhood that is likely to be the problem . . . please tell your alders ( and supervisors ( ) to help support affordable housing in this location!!!
City Parks: Changes? Keep what you like?
More planning going on, lots of meetings where you can voice your desires, concerns and support the things you love about our parks!
Endorse Statewide Use of Force Policy Change!
Use of Force policies could change . . . if this bill were to pass. Please read and spread to your friends, family and colleagues around the state to support Chris Taylor and her colleagues!
Changes to the City Schedules
Cuz, its never right . . .
Imagine Madison: An Update, What’s Next?
So, the City of Madison is doing its comprehensive planning update that is required every 10 years. This is what drives most development decisions in the city . . . well, this, and TIF and other government hand outs. Where are we at and what's next? And how will you get involved? Unless, of course, you don't care how the city develops (until its next door to you!).