Don’t Forget to Vote Today!
Most people will be voting on schools issues . . . but there is also a Mayoral primary in Fitchburg.
Your input needed . . .
Give your input on . . . street vending, Oscar Mayer and Imagine Madison (city comprehensive planning) . . . plus Tenant Resource Center's Iron Chef ingredients for the March 31st event.
Mo Meetings
And several cancellations . . .
Madison Schools Week Ahead
They had a retreat on Saturday that wasn't noticed til late last week, elections this week - DONT FORGET TO VOTE ON TUESDAY - and there will be the first meeting of the committee looking at police in the schools.
County Week Ahead
Only 12 meetings.
City Week Ahead
33 meetings this week, 9 will start between 4:00 & 5:30 today. Another 7 start between 4:30 & 5:30 on Wednesday and 8 start between 4:00 & 6:00 on Thursday. So, make your choices wisely!
Turned Away at the Door at Public Safety Review Committee
I know of at least 10 people who showed up to the Public Safety Review Committee to comment on the Mayor's sit/lie ordinance to kick people off the top of State St. if they are sitting or lying on the sidewalks at Veteran's Park. I stayed to find up what was up, here's all I can tell you.
The PFC Deliberates Complaint Filed Against Chief Koval
Guest post from Amelia & Nathan Royko Maurer
Madison Schools Week Ahead
2 meetings, one candidate forum.
County Week Ahead
17 meetings, 2 cancelled.
City Week Ahead
20 meetings, but 4 don't have agendas.
County Board to Use Messner’s Property for Affordable Housing
It's like bizarro world today, the county board is going to use the former day site property for affordable housing AND, and this is the freaky part . . . the mayor agrees.