Home Media Page 51


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Dane County Executive poll

The Spring Primary is less than a week away. With the questions surrounding the poll released by Joe Parisi's campaign, I thought...

The Landmarks Commission’s Dilemma

When is it appropriate to say a building should be saved? And when is it too late? And how to the give their opinion about something if they don't have it before them?

3rd Time is A Charm for Mayor vs. Homeless at CCB

The committee finally succumbed to the pressure. As of October 1st, homeless will face trespassing tickets if they are at the City-County Building after meetings conclude on weekdays, and on weekends and holidays. After 3 hours of testimony and staff presentation that no new services were necessarily being offered, the committee decided there were tired of hearing about this, said it wasn't their job, suggested churches should just take care of this and then voted with the mayor 7 - 1 to remove homeless from the City-County Building with no plan in place as to where they might go. All this, despite the fact that the first statement was this: Enis Ragland says that they have heard a lot of passionate testimony about the conditions and lack of services and resources that are available to homeless individuals and its very true, its true, there is a failure of government to provide mental health services, at the federal level down to the county level which has a responsibility for doing so and failure to provide alcohol and drug treatment and there is also a failure by government to provide services for the homeless, so I don't argue against any of those.

Dane County Appeal Letter for Day Center

1490 Martin Street Appeal Letter, meeting on Thursday at 6:00 at the Town of Madison Town Hall (2120 Fish Hatchery Rd.)

Why Not Just Tell Us?

Ok, why won't anyone say where the $50,000 for operating and $75,000 for renovating the day center is coming from. My first ever open records request denial - after about 20 years of submitting them without problems.

Random Round Up

Marquette Chili Dinner, Wisconsin Budget Debacle, Free Fair Housing Training, MG&E Community Energy Conversations, Central Park - First Year Review, East High Girls Soccer to be at Breese Stevens Field, Make Music Madison, Warner Park Ash Tree Removal and Metro On Board Survey.

Racial Equity Tool Revealed!

So, we've been talking about equity lens and tools for quite some time, and they did a practice run on and equity analysis on the public market (I have to admit I didn't look at that til now). But this is the first public explanation of the equity analysis tool that I have seen on a city agenda. It's the first time I saw the tool and questions (long form, short form) I probably missed the public market one because their agendas come out late every week and I don't always go back and look.

Another Set Back for the Homeless Day Center

The RFP for who will provide services there had one respondent, and they were rejected. Oh, that's not all . . .

NO LINKS City Week Ahead

We'll see if this is accurate . . . unlikely.

Do you work 70 hours a week?

March Madness: Phase II & III

3 or 4 phases, phase 2 started last night, 3 starts today. Phase 1 complete: 150 single men run out of days in the shelter on March 10th. They will only be let into shelter if it is less than 20 degrees or there is "extreme weather", definition of that, unknown

Enbridge Pipe Line Conditional Use

No public input allowed, but it is a crowded house!