Home Media Page 51


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City Week Ahead

Usually the 4th week of the month is a bit of a snooze, not this week! 27 meetings!

City Council Meeting (Livish)

I'm super tired and I can't guarantee that my fingers don't just do their own thing, but I'll do my best.

City Property Values Higher Than Expected

By $11M. So even with the Board of Estimate changes, that's an increase of 4.93%, not 4.99% so the council has more room to raise taxes if they are going to stay within the 5% limit the Mayor unilaterally set for them. It should help the county and school board a bit too. Here's the details:

County Week Ahead

More meetings than I would have thought for the last week of the month.

County Week Ahead

About half the meetings start before 5:00 . . .

City Week Ahead

28 meetings, three meetings start after 5:30 . . . 8 meetings start before 4:00. Public testimony unfriendly.
city committee agendas

Madison City Week Ahead 2/20/23

Election Day Tuesday, primaries for Mayor and in districts 2, 3, 4, 89, 10, 12, 14 ad 20!  Here's the meetings this week.

Chief Complies with Lawful Orders of the Council?

Sorta . . . sorta uses it as a press opportunity. I give him a D or definitely "needs improvement". Here's the chief's report to the Common Council for tonight, it leaves me with more questions than answers.

Wake Up Call: Gaps in the Homeless Services “System”

So, as homelessness is getting more attention, you hear the mayor say the city is spending $3M on services and the county handing out lists of the services available and non-profits are telling us that services are "readily available" but lets take a look at what is really going on.

Overture Deal Explained

No TV cameras, major Overture parties not here, just the alders, and its 10 after 5:00 - perhaps they are holding their own press conference elsewhere?

Round Up! 5 Days in a Row!

Ok, I met my goal of doing the round up for a week in a row, and hopefully this is back on a daily basis . . . because it is very popular . . .

Second Half of Overture Discussion

I listened to the live stream . . . so far, all I can see is standing around, presumably deal making.