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What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Tony Robinson! Well, maybe, if anyone knows about it or understands the "public comment" agenda item was intended for that. There is only one other items (urging federal government to increase funding for reproductive health) likely to be discussed unless the public shows up to discuss something.

Mo’ Meetings!

Sigh . . . 4 more . . . equity, schmequity. From the equity report: D. Community Engagement One of the guiding principles...

MLK Weekend Round Up

Short week, lots to do . . . City Council meeting, County Board meeting, Mayoral and County Executive debates . . . among other things.

Rallies today, 10:30 and 4:30

I had heard noon - 3, but the South Central Federation of Labor says this: URGENT: You are needed in Madison. The whole...

Willy Street Eats

I thought this was too important not to pas on. Madison magazine recently posted a list of Willy Street restaurants that will be...

Where Should the Homeless Go?

Madison still wants to know! Coming soon to a neighborhood near you?

Lice . . . A week later . . .

Follow up to this, not much has changed. Apparently, its a public health problem enough to send out an email . . . but not enough to actually solve the problem. I don't get it

Tuesday Round Up

Here's a few scraps of news and comments for today.

Late Breaking Info on Judge Doyle Square

Guaranty and Parking info.

City Week Ahead

13 meetings, 6 start before 5:00. Shouldn't be many additions with the new rules, but we'll see.

Overture Discussion at Council Last Night

This was my favorite part of the meeting, so I"m recapping it first. After all, its my birthday and I can do whatever I want, right? And I can't resist a few bk comments.

Wisconsin Uprising – The Art Show!

Recently, Steve Nass and his spokesman got wind that the UW School for workers was putting on an art show. They then...