Home Media Page 53


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

City Week Ahead

Short week, but it still has a council meeting and 8 other meetings.

Day 2, City Budget (Operating, Part II)

See Part 1 here. It'll be about 2 hours in when I finish the first post.

Day 2 – City Budget (Operating, Part I)

Yeah, so, after 8.5 hours yesterday, I just had to be here to finish it - call me a glutton for punishment.

Council Budget – Part III

After midnight, still on the capital budget - only made it through 12 amendments so far . . . 30 or more are left to go through . . .

Live (ish) Council Blogging Part II – Capital Budget

Part One is the public input . . . first 3 hours . . . this is the capital budget . . .

Live (ish) Blogging the Common Council Budget Meeting (Public Input, 1st 3 hours)

So, whatever I type tonight is all you're getting on the budget this year, unless the go to a second night. Just. No. Time.

Guide to the County Budget

Also . . .tonight . . . they are sure to be done in one night given their super-amendment process.

Guide to City Budget

What amendments will the council discuss, what does the Mayor think of those amendments and their hopes and dreams to finish the budget in one night . . . tonight!

Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings, also talking about budget . .. but the 2017/2018 budget!

County Week Ahead

Budget, budget, budget. . . . and 13 other meetings, plus 3 cancelled.

City Week Ahead

Budget, Budget, Budget and 27 other meetings. 14 of them before 5pm.

Progressive Suppression!

A casualty of the insane election season happened to be the only Progressive talk radio station around. The Mic 92.1 Progressive talk in...