What will the Council talk about tonight?
Looks like 3 items, plus anything the public shows up to speak to or public hearing items.
Meeting “corrections” for today
Several cancellations and a new meeting (or maybe more by the time the day ends).
Madison Schools Week Ahead
Three meetings, we know they won't be cancelled, right?
County Week Ahead
Again, we'll see what gets cancelled, but here's the current agendas.
City Week Ahead
We'll see what gets cancelled today, but here it is for what it is worth.
Major Announcement In Madison
January 16, 2016, is Martin Luther King day. Many people had the day off and there were events all over the state honoring...
Tonight! Evictions & Homelessness
The Madison Institute, The Progressive and the League of Women Voters of Dane County invite you to . . . (Rescheduled) Out in the Cold: Evictions & Homelessness in Dane County
JFC – More Meetings!! 7 more!
This just drives me nuts, what is so hard about communicating your agendas on time?
(Day Late) County Week Ahead
Rough start to the week . . . sorry this is late!
City Week Ahead
Running late this morning, at least I got this one done! :)
MPD’s Stellar Police Officers
Remember the officers who were disciplined for calling members of the public "assbags" and "gloryholing nincompoops"? Well, apparently they were also disciplined on multiple occasions for other things including Sexual Harassment, False Reporting, Firearms Safety, Misuse of Communications System, Insulting, Defamatory, or Obscene Language, Excessive Use of Force, Failure to Respond to a domestic disturbance and another call. And that's just the first officer . . . this is creepy. Very creepy. Together they have been suspended for 42 days without pay and gotten 3 reprimand letters for at least 13 incidents, some of the suspension days were held in abeyance and of course, I don't think we know if they ever served them from these records. Can you believe Chief Mike Koval defended these guys? Wonder what the records of the 4 officers disciplined for the whiteboard incident look like?
Cut 65.6 MPD Officers or Are Staffing Levels “right about where we should be”?
Competing studies show radically different numbers than the police study of themselves do. Mayor says the numbers are just right, members of the public have data that shows 65.6 officers could be cut.