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Council Recap 9/17 (Part II) – Lamp House and Property Owner Arrogance

Continuing on from here, after the first hour and a half of the council meeting.

City Week Ahead

If you're interested in what you can do locally to help our community stand strong against what will happen when Trump takes office, there is no limit to where you can get involved. 20 city meetings this week . . . something for everyone on the agendas, policing, local food policy, poverty issues, environmental issues, transportation issues, water issues, etc. etc. etc.

Snow Emergency Tonight

That means alternate side parking for the downtown . . . and big tickets if you don't park correctly.

City Week Ahead

We'll see what gets cancelled today, but here it is for what it is worth.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

Wow, the School Board has more meetings than the county board!! I've never seen that!

City Week Ahead

13 meetings, 6 start before 5:00. Shouldn't be many additions with the new rules, but we'll see.

Rubber? Or Wood?

What do you want on your playground for your kids to fall on? Yup, that's the question!

County Week Ahead

There were no meetings yesterday, so you didn't miss anything.

Council Discussion on the Downtown Plan.

Well, kinda a discussion.

City Week Ahead

Rosh Hashana is today, so the schedules look a little unusual as they juggle to avoid meetings today and scheduling meetings during finance committee meetings on the budget.

What will the Council talk about tonight?

Taco Bell and cops . . . northside polling places and online alcohol sales . . . .for what its worth, this is the official notice of what they may be talking about . .. . plus anything the public shows up to speak on is separated, the rest is passed in one big motion at 6:45ish.

Monona Grove Budget Reductions!

Monona Grove School District will be holding three meetings regarding the $1.2 million dollars in reductions that we need to make for the next...