Home Media Page 54


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

My Testimony

The Monona Grove School District recently held series of public hearings regarding proposed budget reductions in the district. As a district...

10am Thursday, Hearing on Landlord Bill

Yeah, it doesn't even have a bill number yet!

CDA again attempts to raid Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Three years ago, I attempted to make some changes to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (nice, they've changed history and removed my name entirely) to allow more use of the $4M that is in the fund. The Mayor opposed those changes. Michael Schumacher removed my name and introduced it last January and still, the changes went no where . . . until now, when the CDA again wants to bend the rules to get the money. $1M of the $4M to create no new units and make current housing less affordable.

Happy New Year (City) Week Ahead

Seems suspiciously light, I suspect there will be some changes.

Board of Estimate – Livish Blog (everything ‘cept Budget)

Well, and the closed session. Getting off to a late start, at 4:32 only Amanda Hall, Mo Cheeks and Barbara McKinney are here . . . and Amanda isn't on BOE.

Chamber of Commerce Endorses Cieslewicz

In case there was any question about Cieslewicz not only abandoning the left, and moving to the middle . . . he's now gone completely to the right side of the political scale . . .

First Casualty of New Policy

Not enough time to get liquor permit, event cancelled. Bummer, because Tenant Resource Center would have gotten part of the proceeds

Live-ish Recap of the City Council Meeting

As best I can do without editing or even re-reading.

City Attorney Memo on Homelessness as a Protected Class

Hmmm, what do you know, no concerns about staff time, and well, no real concerns . . . should have know that the concerns were coming from the police department . . . . and their number one advocate Paul Skidmore. Sorry guys. Nothing to see here.

Day Center Updates

It's in front of two committees tonight meeting at the same time in different parts of town.

Brandon’s Radical Idea #4

Had to get it in yet this month . . . just barely.

District 11 Alder? Get the Job without an Election?!

dist 11 If you live in District 11, listen up. In just a few weeks, the City Council will be deciding who your Alder is until next Spring!