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Should the City Step-up on Bed Bug Education?

This is from the last tenant-landlord committee meeting. In full disclosure, Charlie is not only a volunteer at the Tenant Resource Center, but he is...

Which MM is more popular? Mark Miller or Mike Mikalsen?

Tonight in the Village Of Cottage Grove, appointed village president Mike Mikalsen and Dane County Supervisor David Wiganowsky, are holding a...

2 Day Round Up

Due to technical difficulties yesterday . . . here is a 2 day round up!

High Speed Rail Updates

This is the updated timeline for the High Speed Rail Train Station and a few tidbits from the council presentation on Tuesday.

Andy Heidt Condemns Proposed Unraveling of Wisconsin’s Health Care Safety Net

Defending BadgerCare and Medicaid . . . and condemning Scott Walker's plans de jour to decimate the state.
mo meetings

Cancellations and Mo Meetings!

City Meetings Cancelled today, and a few added for tomorrow and Friday.

Upcoming Parks & Community Events

Olin Turville, Warner and others! Olin-Turville Park Events Join the Friends of Olin-Turville Park (FOOT), Madison Police Department, and Madison Parks for some fun, free, family...

Tenants’ Rights Rollercoaster

I'm sitting in the capital, waiting for them to NOT do something, and to hear what they say about their inaction. Absurd, I know.

City Council Budget Goofiness

Man, I miss Warren Onken. The council ended up, to me, looking like whiny kids who didn't get their way and voted more about who they like or don't like instead of on a good policy and no one was able to craft a reasonable compromise. Who would believe after all the marching around the capital the council wouldn't vote for a .5% increase in pay for some employees who got a 1.5% increase (not police and fire) instead of the 3% (police and fire) increase others got? Seriously?

Navel Gazing I: Should the Council Have a Shared Agenda?

The retreat the council held, according to the news, was going to be about punishing Brian Solomon, taking on the mayor and all kinds of sexy topics - but, none of that really happened. Instead, it was about a shared agenda, a job description and a short discussion on how alders are appointed to committees. Audio files are here (part one and part two). This is part one, the shared agenda.

12 minute Finance Committee Recap

Item 2 (Anesis Center funding for mental health case management and community programming for Southeast Asision elders and individuals with mental health needs) was referred to the next meeting, more time was spent getting the mayor a pen (he had his tire gauge instead) than anything else.

Hydrite Meeting Tonight!

Hydrite Chemical is a company that has a location in Cottage Grove that many people are not even aware exists. With the...