Home Media Page 55


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Police Policy Change: Wait For Backup!

Yeah. Chief Koval finally got it, after several people have died, he's changed the policy telling police to wait for back up unless their is a threat to someone's safety (not property).

What will the Council Talk About Tonight

Hmmmmm . . . nothing? There is a public hearing on the budget, wanna take bets if anyone shows up?

Extra Common Council Surprise Agenda Items

Sent out by the clerk at 6:35 last night . . .

A New Men’s Shelter at 120 S. Fairchild?

Includes rooms for intoxicated people, sick people, safe rooms for transgender persons, a bed bug room, pay to stay options, rooms for couples, 160 beds in one location, a public restroom open 24/7, etc.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings this week (that we know of)

County Week Ahead

Meetings at 8:30, noon, 3:45, 1:00, 2:30, etc. Don't seem designed for them to actually be public meetings, do they?

City Week Ahead

25 meetings . . . that we currently know of . . .

County Week Ahead

We don't want the public there meetings today at noon, 2:30 and 3:45, Tuesday 8:15, Thursday 9am and Friday at 12:30. 7 of 18 meetings start before 5pm.

City Week Ahead

Today there are meetings at 9, 10, and 2, Wed at 7:45, 10 and 11, Thursday 2 meetings at 8 am. One Friday at 3:30. Are these meetings they expect the public to go to? Or actively DON'T WANT THE PUBLIC TO ATTEND? I find this frustrating. 23 meetings this week, 14 start before 5pm.

Bubbles Update

Services will continue through October and hopefully beyond! While Madison Homelessness Initiative is backing off after creating and running Project Bubbles for 5 years - volunteers are stepping up with time and money for it to continue, perhaps with changes.

Memo to Explain Changes at Salvation Army

This goes with the FAQs from yesterday.

Mayor Defends Midtown Station

Complete with a map.