Home Media Page 55


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Rallies at City-County Building now require police?

I've been going to rallies in front of the City-County Building for 20 years. It's a routine - rally, register, wait, testify, wait and watch, hope for a good vote and go home. I've never seen it involve police until yesterday. What was different?

Bill To Strip Tenants’ Rights on the Move

Last May the Assembly shoved it through in about two weeks. The Senate Housing and Insurance Committee sat on it all summer, but now they are having their Executive Session on a new Amended Substitute that came out on Thursday, voting Monday morning at 9 am.

City Week Ahead

Half of this week's meetings are today. Starting at 9:30am. And 1/3 of the meetings are at silly times like 9:30, 10:30, 1:00, 8:30, 9:00, 2:30. There are three meetings (1/6) in legistar that are not on the weekly calendar.

Police Unions lose credibility . . .

These statements are absurd.

Tenant Protections Further Endangered by Senate Yesterday

So . . . just when you thought we had avoided the worst but it was bad enough . . . they threw in something new to SB107.

Open Forum On Tenant’s Rights Tonight

Tonight, March 29, at 5:30 pm at the Fifth Quarter Studio (2nd Floor) in Union South. there will be an open forum on the past and future of tenants rights in Wisconsin.

Some Apex Properties In Foreclosure

Well, here's a little more info for the tenants caught in the Apex/Anchor Bank fight . . . at least for 4 of the properties.

Use Messner’s Site for Affordable Housing

Seems like a no-brainer, right? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha . . . it's not, and it's not the neighborhood that is likely to be the problem . . . please tell your alders (allalders@cityofmadison.com) and supervisors (county_board_recipients@co.dane.wi.us ) to help support affordable housing in this location!!!

A Better Occupy

All summer long we searched for better options, but we found none. So, we're back at 800 E. Washington, but hopefully have learned from past experiences and remain open to better locations - but there is no doubt, there is a need for somewhere to provide limited shelter, minimal heat and a sense of community.

City Week Ahead

After a week and a half off of blogging - I'm going to try to resume but work is brutal (50 - 60 hour work weeks) . . . and not going to get better for a couple months. And then there is tiny houses, leaves little time for anything else.

City Week Ahead

Sorry - first meetings start in 1.5 hours . . .

28 Demolition Notices This Year . . . So Far

I've been kinda slacking on the demolition notices, so here there are since January 1, in case I missed some. Will remain more vigilant moving forward. In all, there 28 demolition notices so far this year. If I got this right, it is 7 multi-unit residential properties, 9 single family homes, 8 commercial buildings plus the Bethel House and St. Paul's Chapel and 2 vacant lots. Some of the information is pretty vague.