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Plan Commission Hostility to Hearing from the Public?!

So, long story short. The city wants to put a bike path through the back of the Tiny House Village, removing 6 of the 9 houses. There could possibly be some additional land given to the village - and we could put 6 houses there - but that a crap ton of work for a volunteer group of people to do just to come out even. We've been talking to the city, nothing has been settled on and yesterday, this issue popped up on the plan commission agenda, much to our surprise! What happened next was even more surprising.

Fact Checking the N. Sherman Critics.

Madison’s Common Council voted to reconfigure N. Sherman Ave from a four-lane to a two-way with a center left turn lane. During the testimony, several issues were raised by opponents, and rehashed later on talk radio that I would like to fact-check for posterity.

(No Link) City Week Ahead

Let's see if this list is complete or not this week . . .

Falk Announcing for Governor. Really? (Updated)

I've been listening to Rob rant for the last 20 minutes about what a bad choice this is . . . and of course, I'm not a Dem insider so I don't know what is going on but . . . this is bad for poor people

Upcoming Demolitions

Haven't done these for a very, very long time.

AHAA Endorsement: District 1

Lisa Subeck v Philip Sigurslid

What (some) Madison Police Officers Think of Madison Residents

It ain't good. Includes words like "go fuck yourselves", "assbags" and "glory-holing nincompoops" . . . yes, some of Madison's finest, Dean Baldukas and Scott McConnell. These guys are out on the streets and may answer when you call. Be warned.

What the City Council Will Talk About Tonight

Unless we show up and have the at least listen to us on other topics . . .

Public Access to the Edgewater

Yup . . . still talking about that. It was at Plan Commission last night, here's the scoop.

An Elephant In Reformers Clothing

As we get closer and closer to the spring elections, more and more information about the candidates is emerging.  I already wrote an endorsement...

County Week Ahead

Didn't even get this started last week, again, apologies.

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part II

I told you this was long, be patient. In this post, we have people calling the police when people are singing or dropping the F-bomb! Imagine if we called the police every time someone got in an argument in the city-county building or dropped the F-bomb!