Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead
So, I can't figure out where the legal notice is . . . the one I can find is blank. But obviously there are some meetings. TJ said he found it here, but the link doesn't work for me. So this is all I can tell you . . .
County Board Week Ahead
6 meetings . . . also winding down . . .
City Council Week Ahead
Only 8 meetings . . . winding down for the holidays
(Late) Report on Day Center Approval
This is from the plan commission meeting on Monday. Where staff beats back the ridiculous requests for conditions on the day center posed by 7 - 9 un-named business community members, most who were too cowardly to show up to the plan commission meeting and plan commission beats back the goofy request for making the developer pay for a bus stop, which never happens - including on the projects they approved earlier in the evening 2 blocks away. hey didn't really address pedestrian safety . . .
PD’s Pick of the Week
Re-posted from Progressive Dane's website: Each week, after consulting some of our elected officials, we will post one action you can take - typically going to a meeting and supporting their work - that will also support the goals in our platforms. Many people are talking about how with president-elect Trump, we need to double down on our actions locally. And we're here to help figure out what you can do!
This week's action is tonight!
Final(?) Decision on Day Resource Center Tonight
So, the Plan Commission is hearing about the conditional use for the day resource center tonight. If they approve it, (and its not appealed) this will be the final step to it opening sometime next year! Exciting? Or, more likely anti-climactic as it is after waiting for 7 years and being disappointed in the operator of the facility and their model for services. Local businesses have given a ABSURD list of conditions, local advocates have a long list of concerns and the city council and county board have been largely ignored when telling the staff to include adequate storage, laundry facilities and that they will not be funding additional services beyond the day resource center. So, it will interesting to see how this all turns out, see below for a list of concerns that are not adequately addressed.
Weekly Picket/To Do List
How will you participate in your local government this week? After the election it seems I was barraged with people saying they want to get involved locally to deal with Trump and asking what they should do. It's a hard question to answer, since there is so much going on. Here's some things you might be interested in this week . . . and of course, people are out circulating nomination papers to run for office right now . . . so there's always campaigns to be involved in! (Madison City Council, School Board, Fitchburg and other municipalities)
Madison (area) Schools Week Ahead
4 meetings . . .3 days this week!
County Week Ahead
20 meetings! About half are before 5:00 and about half are after. Which ones do they want to make sure the public doesn't show up to?
City Week Ahead
31 city meetings this week . . . 31 in 4 days. I couldn't find 5 of the agendas.
Homeless Outreach is “Soliciting” in the Public Library?
Or perhaps "profiling"? The outreach worker (a high school teacher) was kicked out of the library. Has there been a change in policy? Homeless Services Consortium (paid) agencies reserve rooms in the library during business hours and don't offer a fraction of what (volunteer) Friends of the State St. Family offer for people living on the streets. I'll let Tami Miller explain . . .
“Reasonable Conditions” requested for Day Resource Center
Form the East Washington Business Coalition . . . do you think these are "reasonable"?