Home Media Page 56


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Mayor’s Budget Message to Common Council

This is the Mayor's version of his spin on his budget. Not nearly as much propaganda as that thing Parisi put out, but spin none-the-less, now the real work begins to find out what is really in the budget. There's always a few surprises that got glossed over.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight (at 7pm)

Meeting starts at 7:00, not 6:30. Also, they will talk about what is on this list, plus what the public shows up to talk about . . .

FAQs on Changes at Salvation Army

Of course, the last question is quite concerning to me. Lots of assumptions, no communication that I am aware of. But its all concerning, I sure hope it all works out, wish there had been community discussion on this issue, instead of just an announcement of the changes. You'd think the Homeless Services Consortium would have had a presentation on this.

Mo’ Meetings . . .

So, the new system has thrown me off a bit, but I believe this are meetings that were not known over the weekend. 6 updates!

Day Resource Center Meeting

I went to the first one, the presentation was oddly corporate and cheesy, here's the next one, tomorrow.

Madison(ish) Schools Week Ahead

They have last weeks meeting announcements up . . . :( And what they do have up wasn't there last week when I blogged, but...

County Week Ahead

Budget hearings are beginning with presentations from staff . . .

City Week Ahead

Meetings on Rosh Hashanah? The weekly meeting schedule has changed, so prepare to be surprised. On Monday you will be able to see the following Monday's meetings. So it should be slightly better notice if the staff gets the meeting notices in on time.

Video from Opioid Panel

No time to blog, too much budget stuff, will have the blog post early next week, this video is totally worth watching. And...

Parisi Budget Propaganda

Here's the propaganda. Trying to figure out what it all means it near indecipherable, the county budget lacks detail that is needed, so we'll see how it plays out over the next few weeks in committees as Supervisors try to get their questions answered. I have one email from Parisi and his budget memo below, plus a rant!

Mayor to Council: Midtown and Fire Station Adds $2M in Operating Costs

So who's going to suffer? Check out the bolded statement below. I think we should go to referendum for these projects to increase the levy, instead of continuing to cut elsewhere - there's no fat left to cut. If the public wants these projects, referendum will pass.

Day Center Contract Won’t Be Approved by the County Board?

Most contracts by Dane County over $100,000 have to go to the county board. The county board has approved a resolution saying the day center will have long term storage. It seems, neither of these things is going to happen and after reading the ordinances I can't, for the life of me, figure out why staff have so much power and the county board supervisors seem to have none.